Electronics Forum: maximum number of thermal cycles (Page 1 of 3)

maximum number of reflow cycles for rigid PCB?

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 15 21:09:07 EDT 2007 | KEN

Cecil, the board is a component.

maximum number of reflow cycles for rigid PCB?

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 15 10:28:46 EDT 2007 | cecil

Just askin but why would someone even want to subject an assembly to even 6 reflow cycles? As far as how many cycles that an assembly can be subjected to, wouldn't that be determined my your components?

maximum number of reflow cycles for rigid PCB?

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 15 09:58:22 EDT 2007 | KEN

Anyone know which IPC document covers this? Me thinks 6....but want the IPC spec. to back this up.

maximum number of reflow cycles for rigid PCB?

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 15 20:49:16 EDT 2007 | davef

There is no IPC document, nor should there be. Look here: http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=48102

maximum number of reflow cycles for rigid PCB?

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 15 12:33:50 EDT 2007 | ck_the_flip

To do a profile at most companies, if you don't have a scrap board handy, you'll use the already-soldered board that's already been through ONE reflow cycle. You spend time attaching T/C's with the aluminum tape - after all, the prep-work is half th

Thermal cycles of tin lead solder in the Wave

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 04 12:49:59 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel

The amount of times the tin/lead solder can be melted and solidified is unlimited and the heat cycles do not affect the solder characteristics. The only reason for changing the solder pot is when impurities are at or over the maximum levels.

Number of thermal excursions per componet

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 27 21:05:48 EDT 2001 | davef

BGA Cycle 1: solder ball attach. BGA Cycle 2: BGA attach to board. BGA Cycle 3: BGA removal from board. BGA Cycle 4: BGA pad dress. BGA Cycle 5: BGA ball replacement. BGA Cycle 6: BGA re-attach to board. Board Cycle 1: BGA attach to board. Boar

Number of times reworking

Electronics Forum | Tue May 27 10:34:30 EDT 2003 | davef

Much of the ability to survive rework or thermal excursions is dependent upon the fabrication materials. The board qualification criteria under the 55110 was designed around 5 thermal heat cycles. Consider reworking a BGA in this context. BGA i

Number of times reworking

Electronics Forum | Wed May 28 08:25:08 EDT 2003 | davef

That's what we do [no more than three reworks or mods]. Your "four reworks permissable" was probably based on the 55110 five thermal cycles, counting wave soldering as the first cycle. How do you plan to keep track of each of those rework actions?

Re: Thermal fatigue of solder joints

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 25 03:51:04 EST 2000 | carsonho

HALT is an approach to stimulate a failure till its existence. It is mainly used during product design and development phase. Traditional tests are mainly used to prove "no" failure but HALT is to make failure for information to improve in design of

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