Electronics Forum: mcs1000 (Page 1 of 1)

Electrovert MCS-1000 Technician

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 09 14:26:22 EST 2004 | Steve Gregory

Hi All! We've transferred our Electrovert MCS-1000 cleaner down to our Stafford, Texas facility, and I was wondering if any of you know of a referral I could give to them of any service organization that could work on the machine is if the need ever

Electrovert MCS-1000 Technician

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 09 15:40:59 EST 2004 | russ

You may want to talk to Bruce Brown at wavetech soldering services. bbrownwave@aol.com 949-489-9250 714-904-7662

PCB cleaning system

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 21 09:39:58 EDT 2017 | sumote

The very best batch cleaner I have ever used, and I don’t mean by a small margin, was an Electrovet MCS1000. I kept that machine running a very long time, but a software problem ended up being more than the company I worked for was willing to underta

MONSTER board equipment...

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 24 19:08:17 EDT 2001 | stefo

Happy Friday All! Well, it seems another "opportunity" has presented itself to me. Looking to assemble a 24" X 24", 52-layer board... piece-o-cake, right? Not real sure of all the components that are on it, but I do know that there is some 20-mil


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