Electronics Forum: mean (Page 1 of 282)

What is VCO mean ???

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 24 20:57:08 EST 2002 | ericchua

Can anyone tell me what is "VCO" free swing spray fluxer mean ??? The "VCO" stand for what ???

What is VCO mean ???

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 10:13:50 EST 2002 | jax

Thanks for the info, You are welcome to educate me anytime.

What is VCO mean ???

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 10:04:28 EST 2002 | genny

Actually VCO's are a common term in my neck of the woods (RF and wireless equipment), but not in the context that Eric used the term. I think you are right about him wanting a VOC, because to me a VCO is a Voltage Controlled Oscillator... Regards.

What is VCO mean ???

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 08:10:47 EST 2002 | jax

Eric, I assume you are talking about "VOC" as in (MXL-350VC "VOC FREE" Swing Spray Fluxer) since I have never heard of "VCO" used when talking about Spray Fluxers', or anything else for that matter. This is copied right from the SMTnet Library: VOC.

Re: little plastic caps: what does it all mean man!?!

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 30 14:56:21 EST 2000 | Robert Russell

That sounds right!! DO you know which color means paper or plastic??? Thank you for all of your help, Signed, Color blind(hahaha) Robert Russell

What does it mean by electronic assembly type?

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 18 07:37:54 EST 2008 | leemeyer

See the attached PDF

What does it mean by electronic assembly type?

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 18 08:16:40 EST 2008 | kevyeoh

Thanks! This is what i've been looking for... :)

little plastic caps: what does it all mean man!?!

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 25 12:38:55 EDT 2000 | Robert Russell

I had a customer come to me the other day and he asked if I had the little plastic caps that go over the feeder arms of the fuji machines. He said that come in "Red" and "Blue". Do those colors mean anything, or is it just a preference of what a pers

What does it mean by electronic assembly type?

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 18 01:21:14 EST 2008 | kywl

Hi all, I am referring to IPC 1720, and i notice that there's electronic assembly type 1A, 1B, 1C, 1X, 2B, 2C... 2Z... can anyone please help explain what do those numbers mean? I have no clue at all... Thanks!

Re: little plastic caps: what does it all mean man!?!

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 27 10:12:45 EDT 2000 | pr

I could be wrong but I thought they were to designate for paper or plastic feeder types.

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