Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 27 15:00:17 EDT 2016 | davef
Look here: https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=Prime%20Virgin%20Mercury%2099.999%25%20Min%20purity&oq=Prime%20Virgin%20Mercury%2099.999%25%20Min%20purity&rlz=1C1LENP_enUS524US524&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i61.1837j
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 27 10:24:44 EDT 2016 | comulation
Lead (Pb) wasatrasitltd@gmail.com Skype me on Dr.AHMED
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 16 14:10:51 EDT 2002 | carln
There was an interesting article in the San Jose Mercury News about this. Go to: http://www.siliconvalley.com/mld/siliconvalley/news/local/3654508.htm
Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 16:04:08 EDT 2003 | Rick B.
When is the U.S. required to fully implement the use of leadfree solder? European Directive 2002/95/EC is talking about year 2006 restricting the use of certain hazardous materials in electrical and electronic equipment.ie Lead,mercury,cadmium and he
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 04 08:30:18 EST 2004 | davef
We're unaware of any such reaction. The RoHS Directive bans the use of six hazardous materials. The materials are four metals: lead, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, and mercury; and two brominated flame retardants: polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) and p
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 26 09:01:32 EST 2006 | Chunks
Mercury vapors are pretty good. Also, if you can build n some day light diffusers for natural sun light to come in. It works pretty well. Use a diffuser as clear glass may cuase vision problem with equipment if under direct sun light. Been there.
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 07 15:51:02 EST 2000 | gsubbert
We have an old Blue M temperature chamber. We have no manuals for it and no information on how to make the cams to get the temperature profile that we need. If anyone has any information and would be willing to share it with me I would appreciate it.
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 22 13:56:24 EDT 2004 | GS
Hello everybody, are this the values still required by RoHS or there have been some modification ? - Maximum concentration Lead (Pb) 0,1 weight% - value of heavy metals Mercury 0,1 weight% - Cadmium 0,01 weight% - Chromium VI 0,1 weight% - Maximum
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 10 19:28:22 EST 2005 | KEN
Euro's....Euro's....ah yes here it is. RoHS, Article 4....shall not contain: Hex Chromium, lead, mercury and Euro's. I heard our sales guys telling a customer tour the other day that we were No Clean, VOC free, lead free and Euro free compliant!
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 30 07:08:06 EST 2006 | Rob.
True, we weren't just checking for lead at the test lab we were also checking for banned substances in the plastics - PBB's & PBDE's which apparently appear a lot in the recycled plastics used in manufacturing connector bodies; & also the other banne