Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 06 19:22:50 EST 2019 | giangle711
Need help to locate freeware to be able to merge BOM and XY files in CSV/TXT.
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 09 17:15:28 EST 2019 | giangle711
Thanks much Spoiltforchoice. I found it.
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 07 04:11:09 EST 2019 | spoiltforchoice
You're looking for SMT-Maestro you should find a shared link on this forum. The original source for this program is long gone.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 10 10:25:54 EDT 2019 | mikekeens
The merge software looks good but still not always getting the results i want - The following website can carry out a BOM to centroid xy placement data merge - http://www.surfacemountprocess.com/centroid-file-generation-service.html
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 14 11:56:35 EDT 2004 | Frank
Is there a freeware, or shareware, software that can merge my CAD data and BOMs? Maybe an Excel macro to do the trick? Thanks, Frank
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 09:27:33 EDT 2009 | jamyboy
With Pronto Place I can generate a Mydata program and automatically merge an Excel bom in about 20 seconds. Takes longer if I need to produce assembly doxs...but still faster than Circuit Cam...have used the Mydata macro in the past also, but it does
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 14 17:17:41 EDT 2004 | Frank
Thanks, but I am familiar with CC and it certainly doesn't qualify as free or shareware.
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 21 03:09:49 EST 2008 | jlawson
vPlan Studio is another great tool, can generate Fuji basic Programs or fully optimised programs, can convert from basic Centroid/gerber to all major EDA/CAM formats, can merge BOMS/AVLS and report problems and has great rotation correction tools so
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 14 12:45:13 EDT 2004 | heatherc
AEGIS sells a software product specifically for this called CircuitCAM. We also can handle comparisons of BOM to CAD, BOM to BOM revisions and handle an array of formats and file types. For more information you can go to http://www.aiscorp.com or c