Electronics Forum: mg 1 (Page 1 of 10)

Rectangular uBGAs with 1 raised edge after reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 06 09:15:01 EDT 2001 | gdstanton

|120 |140 |160 |180 |180 |190 |260 | with a belt speed of about 28 IPM. The uBGAs are placed parallel to each other along the smallest side. The small edges closest to each other are raised slightly and form a "hill" when looking from the horizon o

Re: 1 mil = ?? inches - why don't we all use the same thing ?

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 19 03:29:55 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | | | I am not familiar with the "mil" metric. How many inches is in 1 mil? | | | | | | | | ...or 10 mil? | | | | | | | | | | | 1 mil= .001 inches | | | 10 mil= .010 inches | | | Also, it has nothing to do with metric. | | | | | | I was also

Re: 1 mil = ?? inches - why don't we all use the same thing ?

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 19 03:38:43 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | | | | I am not familiar with the "mil" metric. How many inches is in 1 mil? | | | | | | | | | | ...or 10 mil? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 mil= .001 inches | | | | 10 mil= .010 inches | | | | Also, it has nothing to do with metric. | | | |

Re: 1 mil = ?? inches - why don't we all use the same thing ?

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 19 06:15:41 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | | | | I am not familiar with the "mil" metric. How many inches is in 1 mil? | | | | | | | | | | | | ...or 10 mil? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 mil= .001 inches | | | | | 10 mil= .010 inches | | | | | Also, it has nothing to do with m

Re: 1 mil = ?? inches - why don't we all use the same thing ?

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 19 06:16:50 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | | | | | I am not familiar with the "mil" metric. How many inches is in 1 mil? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ...or 10 mil? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 mil= .001 inches | | | | | | 10 mil= .010 inches | | | | | | Also, it has noth

Re: 1 mil = ?? inches - why don't we all use the same thing ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 20 04:50:24 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | | | | | | | I am not familiar with the "mil" metric. How many inches is in 1 mil? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ...or 10 mil? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 mil= .001 inches | | | | | | | 10 mil= .010 inches | | | | | | | A

Yamaha iPulse vs Assembleon MG1

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 25 15:55:23 EDT 2023 | smtusa

The specifications are very similar. Is the key difference speed between them? MG1 being ~10% faster? Will the ipulse take abuse like MG1? MG1 is 2x more expensive, can buy 2 ipulse M2s instead of 1 MG1.

Yamaha iPulse vs Assembleon MG1

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 19:43:38 EST 2023 | smtusa

How does the Yamaha iPulse line compare to the Assembleon MG1? My friends had amazing experience with the MG1 and prefer them. I have never seen an iPulse in person. The heads and software look very similar between the two machines. The M2 seems

Used Assembleon MG1 For Sale

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 07 18:33:47 EDT 2020 | mosborne

I have a used MG1 for sale with feeders. The machine only has 4000hrs on it. let me know if you are interested.

Assembleon MG-1 and ATS

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 10 20:52:57 EST 2022 | compit

I have Emerald-X with Double Shuttle Tray Feeder. Can it be connected (DSTF, probably PA 2699/22) to the MG-1?

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