Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 27 10:11:50 EST 2005 | pjc
Here's a few mfrs. to look at. http://www.vjelectronix.com/vjebeta/index.asp http://www.glenbrooktech.com/advantage.htm http://www.lixi.com/product_workstation.htm http://www.focalspot.com/ http://www.microfocus-x-ray.com/frameset.php?PageN
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 15 11:04:53 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach
| | It seems like most people want to X-Ray their BGAs. We're going to start doing a lot more of them and need to consider X-ray, too. | | Q: Do most people/companies X-ray everyBGA or do they just do SPC? | | Q: Can you get away with spending 25K?
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 01:05:02 EST 2001 | jamstart
I think for x-ray, it really depend what package you are looking at. For CSP, it should be at least min 90KV, min 5 micro focus size. CSP definitely need a higher mag and resolution.
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 03 23:06:58 EST 2005 | KEN
I have a Micro Focus with digtal upgrade and fine resolution beam. This system is used to inspect BGA+1500 devices. In fact I can see the flat spots where the device interfacial occures. Check with focalspot...these guys have tons of experience in
Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 04 05:40:23 EDT 2015 | seshadri
Dear Distingushed Friends, I would like to gain some knowledge on X Ray. It is very Confusing for me to understand the difference between the DAGE Transmissive tube Vs YXLON micro focus tube. The Target power Vs Tube power and detailed detectabilit
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 15 14:33:37 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon
| | | It seems like most people want to X-Ray their BGAs. We're going to start doing a lot more of them and need to consider X-ray, too. | | | Q: Do most people/companies X-ray everyBGA or do they just do SPC? | | | Q: Can you get away with spending
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 15 17:20:25 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach
| | | | It seems like most people want to X-Ray their BGAs. We're going to start doing a lot more of them and need to consider X-ray, too. | | | | Q: Do most people/companies X-ray everyBGA or do they just do SPC? | | | | Q: Can you get away with sp
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 17 10:24:12 EDT 1998 | smd
| | | | | | | It seems like most people want to X-Ray their BGAs. We're going to start doing a lot more of them and need to consider X-ray, too. | | | | | | | Q: Do most people/companies X-ray everyBGA or do they just do SPC? | | | | | | | Q: Can yo
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 16 17:01:21 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach
| | | | | | It seems like most people want to X-Ray their BGAs. We're going to start doing a lot more of them and need to consider X-ray, too. | | | | | | Q: Do most people/companies X-ray everyBGA or do they just do SPC? | | | | | | Q: Can you get
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 29 02:48:52 EST 2024 | redspare1
I'm not 100% sure, but I think they might have shared parts with some models of fein focus and X-TEK. If you do a bunch of google image searching you might find a similar looking tube to what is in your machine. I do know the filaments in some dag