Electronics Forum: microjet's (Page 1 of 1)

Austin American Microjet Users

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 04 13:05:31 EDT 2003 | JoeH

I may have the oppurtunity to purchase a AAT Microjet machine with the Mach II drying capability. I like the theoretical cleaning/drying capability and power consumption advantages this machine could give us. The relative small footprint is also a

Austin American Microjet Users

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 04 13:40:41 EDT 2003 | caldon

You may have answered your own question. CHEMISTRY, CHEMISTRY, CHEMISTRY depending on what type and whos product will work differently for each machine and Board geometry. I would ask Kyzen, Pertoferm, Zestron, and Aqueous Tech (all Chemistry manuf

Austin American Microjet Users

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 04 14:33:28 EDT 2003 | joeherz

CAL, Thanks for the input. When I said chemistry I was refering to soldering chemistry and not cleaning. I believe this machine has the capability to incorporate a saponifier but would prefer not to run in this manner. Running a closed loop DI re


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