Electronics Forum: micromet (Page 1 of 5)

Stencil and PCB Coplanarity measurement

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 22:40:38 EDT 2018 | jacobidiego

What kind of level have micrometer precition?

MyData Y wagon shudder

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 10 23:23:56 EST 2005 | pmd

We have a MyData TP-9-2 with a in line Y wagon. It is a long screw and the vintage is 1994. The Y wagon vibrates at about 24 micrometers at about 25 hertz. Burnin reviels zero encoder pulse errors. Hystersis test indicates a Y axis Y wise varance of

Re: Screen tension (measuring)

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 23 09:47:45 EST 1999 | Dan Hughes

George, No it does not make sense to measure the tension on a mounted foil, however, if you wish to please your customer you might want to find a tension gauge that measures in mils of deflection. In the beginning, screen tensions were all measured

Re: Solder Paste Measuring

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 05 21:41:00 EDT 1999 | Russell Bartley

| I need help in finding solder paste measuring equipment. | As already mention in other replies the Cyberoptics and others are commonly used but the price and the measurement range must be considered since you can purchase paste measurement equipm

Re: stencil condition

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 07 08:13:33 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| What kind of equipment are you using to gauge the thickness of your stencil after it's used for some months? How to determin the condition of the stencil? Your input is much appreciated. | | Ken Mok, based in Shenzhen, China. | | | Overarm micr

Conformal Coat Thickness

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 23 12:26:10 EDT 2007 | jdumont

We run a small piece of FR4 with a "thickness test" pattern before production and measure it after with a digital micrometer. Then we save the coupon with the W/O # written on it.

X-Ray machines general questions

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 05 14:58:18 EDT 2010 | mikesewell

Smaller and multi-row QFNs will probably require an oblique view/5-axis xray with resolution of at least 1 micrometer and preferably a nanofocus machine. Given the low standoff and small pad size, verifying wetting can be challenging on interior pad

Stencil and PCB Coplanarity measurement

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 21:00:54 EDT 2018 | jacobidiego

What I mean is.... What Brand and Model should I buy to measure coplanarity between this 2 surfaces that could measure micrometers of difference I think that normal bubble levels are not precise enought for this use ^^

Stencil maintenance approaches

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 12:56:39 EDT 2021 | emeto

Thank you for your reply Djo. What do you consider a normal range tension for 29" stencil on a hard frame? Also I am not sure how I can use micrometer in the middle of 29" stencil to measure the thickness? CAn you please clarify?

Copper Foil Thickness

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 09 20:44:10 EST 2022 | davef

Most boards are fabricated with 1-ounce copper [34.79µm (micron/micrometer)]. Foil more commonly comes in at 33µm or less. Processing reduces this down to 30µm or thinner. Talk to your board fab about the specifics of your application

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