Electronics Forum: microscope (Page 1 of 36)

BGA inspection microscope

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 02 13:31:49 EST 2005 | IRAS

Thanks for your replies. We had looked at a microscope but it wasn't able to get a clear look at the middle solder bumps. I was just wondering if there is a microscope out there that would have that capability, or is that the best it gets.

BGA inspection microscope

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 01 19:06:37 EST 2005 | IRAS

Hi, We are looking for a BGA inspection microscope. We had looked at one with a prism method trying to found a vendor for a fiber optic scope. I'm not sure which one is best. Any recommendation and suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks. IRAS

BGA inspection microscope

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 01 21:15:26 EST 2005 | davef

Try: * Caltex [www.bgascope.com] "Hirox" scope * ERSA [www.ersa.de] Ersascope

BGA inspection microscope

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 06 22:48:04 EST 2005 | minimicro

Mike You are my hero. A real world person.

BGA inspection microscope

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 06 15:04:50 EST 2005 | solderiron

Thats because Glenbrook Reps both. The Ersascope was the original and still is the best bang for the buck. How do you know if you have flux residue under the bga without seeing it. Show me an xray system that can see flux residue? Again, this is a PR

BGA inspection microscope

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 14 06:23:47 EST 2005 | tk380514

I almost forgot to ask You: what is the purpose of the BGA inspection microscope? Perhaps we tell You stories that You alraedy know about... the ersascope we have is there to look funny and prove to the customer that we can check if we want to

BGA inspection microscope

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 02 02:35:51 EST 2005 | grantp

Hi, I have always wondered about these scopes and are they any good? They seem expensive when you consider you really only see the outside balls, and with small lead-less parts becoming more common, would the money be better spent on a good X-Ray?

BGA inspection microscope

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 02 22:27:14 EST 2005 | minimicro

I would look at the SMT Tools BGA-100 scope this is by far the most cost effective tool for the money. We use it in conjunction with our Glenbrook X-ray and get great results. Gary

BGA inspection microscope

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 06 22:55:21 EST 2005 | minimicro

Look when it comes down to it. The Mini Micro Stencil Mini Mirror for $40.00 beats all and is the most cost effective inspection tool out there.

BGA inspection microscope

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 12 15:56:37 EST 2005 | johnhburris

Bought the Metcal scope. Rarely use it. Never have any issues with BGA. Prove out your process and unless you change something, it will collect dust. I know.

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