Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 06 22:48:04 EST 2005 | minimicro
Mike You are my hero. A real world person.
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 02 18:37:46 EST 2005 | Ola
What is the quality worth to You? How much is "to much" for You to spend on a good quality ckeck? How much benefit can You get in return, If You in the first place get the processes straight? These are the main questions that You have to answer Yours
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 09 13:01:16 EST 2005 | Amol Kane
why in the world would you have a fax controller board electron microscoped?
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 14 13:42:05 EST 2008 | dphilbrick
I purchased 50 of these and they are very good scopes for the price. The guy that runs Precision World is also a good guy to work with.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 16 09:11:39 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory
| Not much, just watching Create KME place 0201's sort-of fun to see. (Nepcon East). | Talk about placement problems.......so small hard to see. | Wayne Hi ya' Wayne! Man! 0201's!! I started hearing about 0201's at the beginning of last year, a
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 16 14:17:00 EDT 1998 | wayne
| Hi ya' Wayne! | Man! 0201's!! I started hearing about 0201's at the beginning of last year, and remember thinking then why in the world someone would ever need a individual resistor or capacitor to be that dinky...I know there's a push to make
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 15 09:20:26 EST 2008 | rgduval
I just got a scope off of Ebay from Precision World. There have been some kinks, but, overall, it was a good experience. The scope I picked up actually zoomed a little too much for our needs (I need to use it for assembly, as well as inspection).
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 16:02:21 EDT 2001 | stevearneson
Let me put my two cents into this argument..After being part of many extensive studies conducted to determine the benefits of solder paste inspection, there has never been a case where the customer concluded that paste inspection (Height or Volume)wa
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 11 13:11:00 EST 2002 | steve_arneson
I have read all of the previous threads and have found it very hard to believe what I am hearing. The idea that AOI is not needed on your production line is like running a marathon without training before hand. You can only expect to get out of an
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 10 11:45:09 EDT 1999 | Scott S. Snider
| scott. | I appreciate your sincere answer. | would tell me the hint about printer if i's possible | To tune our smt process we have to know what is the major X's | for defect. To know major X's with DOE we need a good measurement equipment.