Electronics Forum: microwave (Page 1 of 8)


Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 07 12:57:36 EST 2003 | microwave

Hi, Help :( I need manuals and instructions for Panasert MK I Model No NM-2562 Prod.No KAAA-629 Ser.No 80800155

Conductive Paste for Microwave Applications.

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 03 01:57:11 EDT 1998 | Reginald Aquino

Has anyone know of a low viscosity conductive paste/liquid that has good thermal conductivity? My aim is to get better consistency in the electrical and thermal conductivity between the mounting flange of Microwave power devices and anodised carrier

IPC-2252 Design guideline for RF/Microwave PCBs

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 23 21:04:57 EDT 2003 | BOB

Now I urgently need the standard of IPC-2252 Design guideline for RF/Microwave PCBs, Who can help me? By the way,who can recommend some DFM experts on RF PCB design?look forward to your responding.thank you!

Warming up solder paste at start of days production

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 24 04:18:39 EDT 2004 | kent_peterson

Microwave? Try some steel wool next time. Are you cookin food in that microwave? I would love to see that documented into a process. You could look at changing the solder paste you use. Knead it up other than that mate.

Solder paste Thawing

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 13 10:39:18 EST 2006 | fredericksr

I'd be curious if a microwave would activate the flux. I'd also suspect that the metal content of solder might just give you that excellent "microwave+fork" effect. I can see this R+D failing miserably. -Russ

Solder paste Thawing

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 13 13:46:23 EST 2006 | slthomas

You can put metal in a microwave (at least you can mine) as long as it doesn't contact the enclosure, but there's no way you'll get consistent heating of the volume in a microwave, even if it employs a "carousel".

soldering and bonding on gold PCB's

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 07 13:18:28 EST 2002 | mregalia

I work for a microwave company. On our lower frequency boards (

Warming up solder paste at start of days production

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 24 11:57:50 EDT 2004 | KEN

I wonder what that would look like? BUILD DCOUMENTATION Paste: OA XYZ-123 SOLDER PASTE. Note: Place refridgerated paste tube in Goldstar Microwave (3rd from the end of the break-room). Press "defrost" "forzen dinner". Do not defrost solder paste

Use of solder paste after taking out from cold storage

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 06 14:00:27 EST 2005 | grantp

Hi, One of our suppliers suggested you could use the microwave to warm up the solder paste if you really needed to, and it did work for a full tube, but when I tried a half used tube, I thought I had invented a weapon of mass destruction. It was sca

Solderless Methods for Tuning RF Circuits

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 28 21:56:56 EDT 2019 | sarason

I presume you mean at microwave frequencies. If not get it right in the CAD. Programs such as Microwave Office and VSS make it easy. Also Ansoft, Keysight Eagle etc. Having used MO and Eagle I would heartily recommend them. In the bad old days one tr

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