Electronics Forum: mid tg pcb material (Page 1 of 6)

Re: Laminate base material

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 27 20:52:22 EST 2000 | Dave F

Marc: In printed circuit board fabrication, fabricators place sheets of prepreg between each pair of glass cores. They stack these layers into books. As they heat and press the books, the sheet melts into an epoxy glue. The thickness of the prepr

pcb manufacturing

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 13 04:27:00 EST 2016 | crystalpcb

Hi Here is our factory production capability: Shenze Electronic PCB Specification Layer Count 1 to 35 Layers Material Brand Shengyi,KB,GRACE,ISOLA,Rogers,Taconic,ARLLON,Bergquist Base Material FR-4(TG135,TG150,TG170,TG180),Halogen Free FR-4,Ceramic

Recommended TG material for CCBGA , CBGA and PBGA's

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 03 13:22:20 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave

Hi I see David F already gave a good answer. The basic advantage, if you can afford it, is a more stable PCB during the soldering process. Higher Tg enables this. Also some materials serve to match CTEs (coefficient of thermal expansion) a bit bett

Re: Reflow soldering a Flexi-Rigid pcb

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 05 09:46:47 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| We are looking at reflow soldering some Flexi-rigid | pcbs. I have heard that IR reflow soldering can make the Polyimide "self heat" and cause de-lamination. | Does anyone have any info. The thermal problems associated with polyimide rigid/flex de

PCB Delamination

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 20 13:00:36 EST 2008 | jameskelch

Calling out materials by name locks you into laminates by brand. If these are typically phenolic materials it can lead to moisture absorption, less mechanical strength and more prone to delamination during assembly. It is more effective to refer

How many thermal cycles for rigid PCB before possible latent field failures

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 12 07:15:45 EDT 2024 | murtaza

Use high tg material on pcbs. Like tg170 or higher. Its a bit more expensive. Board shops usually quote cheapest material just to win the order. When you see fr4 on the quote it usually means tg135-tg140.

High TG?

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 13 13:15:51 EST 2006 | CK the Flip

Tg, by definition is the glass transition temperature for materials. It's the temperature where your board goes from rigid to "rubbery". Not sure if a higher Tg would help prevent delam. One of the PCB experts of the forum might know this.

RoHS compliant PCB

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 06 10:12:30 EST 2006 | Yash Sutariya

Hi, I authored the presentation so I may be able to help you out with your Q's. 1. IPC is in draft stage for 4 new material specs. These are in the presentation. I would focus on IPC 4101/ 121 and /124. Match your current Tg requirement to the T

PCB bows after wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 24 15:33:56 EDT 2010 | davef

Our best suggestion - get the copper balanced and if possible go to higher Tg materials.

PCB Material

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 24 10:21:59 EST 2006 | Board House

TM, When picking a material for your lead free assembly you need to think about a couple of things, The standard Material in the US that is being used is running 140 - 170 tg. material. But for lead free assembly you need to focus on is Decomp tem

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