Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 14 12:25:50 EDT 2005 | global
We currently have an old CCA assembly that a customer wants us to build but are unable to produce the gerber file or milars that were used to build them the last time. All we have are hard copies of the PWB drawing. Is there anyone out there that can
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 17:03:10 EDT 2012 | burb1999
I would guess the FFX cable as metioned with the sensors inside the midas, that could of been damaged by a part or? Not a big deal to replace just remember how many turns the milar harness goes around. Also just loosen the rear screw there is a slo
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 02 11:23:52 EST 2001 | dougt
Here's my 2 cents....... I worked for a small company that manufactures pick and place machines and had the task of testing/troubleshooting and the dreaded calibration. These machines used vision for part orentation and have what I considered aweso
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