Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 07 21:54:11 EDT 2006 | mumtaz
Ha ha! davef finishes you guys off again!
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 07 22:02:57 EDT 2006 | davef
Similarly, we have eliminated solder balls by using an aqueous washer.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 06 15:45:18 EDT 2006 | slthomas
Yep. What I'm really looking for is the minimum radius of curvature for 63/37, which is a function of it's surface tension. It's physical properties issue, not an agency issue. I've seen some references that I have interpreted to mean that it's some
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 07 21:45:53 EDT 2006 | davef
We do not understand the question. Take a deep breath, remember not all of us are trained as geologists. The smallest solder ball we've seen is a little less than 5 nm.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 09:54:07 EDT 2006 | slthomas
Awwww, man. I was looking for something a little less on the anecdotal side for our local municipality's environmental stewards.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 01 16:30:05 EDT 2006 | slthomas
Just wondering if anyone knows this off the top of there head. I might be able to figure out the math based on surface tension (this is 63/37 so the data is out there) but I REALLY do not want to put that kind of effort into this. :/ Editing to clar
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 06 11:57:12 EDT 2006 | Chunks
IPC 610 says acceptable Class 1 (Class 2, 3 indicator) if they are entrapped/encpsulated balls within 0.13mm of lands or pads. or exceed 0.13mm in diameter. Defect Class 1,2,3: Solder ball violates min electrical clearance. Solder balls not entrap
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 07 10:56:38 EDT 2006 | Chunks
In the past, I would normally tell out highly talented inspectors to leave the balls there. The were trapped in the flux residue and were hard to remove. Never caused a problem. But then there was an incident where someone had the bright idea to u
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 12 15:58:02 EDT 2002 | stepheno
It's been years since I worked with a Fuji. I only once resorted to the undocumented part class 255 (or whatever they call it) and that was when I was working midnight shift. The smaller nozzle working better than the larger nozzle makes me wonder a
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 27 06:16:24 EST 1998 | mancheol,seo
Hello everyone~! I wonder becasuse of stencil board size. My component dimension is 200 x 200mm What the board size I choose? Please let me know solution... best regards man from korea