Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 14 08:46:58 EST 2011 | cbroegger
Hi, we use some camera based readers, they can scan all barcodes in a square of roughly 10 x 10 inches. We have some pcbs with 3-4 barcodes (linear, 2D barcodes), and it can read them all in one take. I can find more information if you need that.
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 17 06:02:24 EDT 2000 | clong
Where would i get more info on various barcode reader systems and are there cheaper alternatives to this
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 09 07:55:10 EST 2005 | pavel_murtishev
Good day, Is there on the market any machine independent barcode reading system? We have some placement machines with build-in barcode reading system. When operator changes the reel with components he/she checks reel with barcode scanner. Some of th
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 20:40:48 EDT 2021 | stephendo
Software makes a huge difference. Try a different barcode reader app and see if you can find a better one. With data matrix the bar code can be mostly a bunch of blobs as long as the outside is reasonable good. Then the reader only needs a few pixels
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 20 22:33:08 EST 2000 | RJJOHNSON
Cim system is what we used on cp6 d axis tables.It worked very well.I liked it and it was for pre run and during run feeder feeding.Uses a barcode reader and reads bottom of d axis where barcode are to match what is assigned to a slot by pre scanning
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 20 22:33:08 EST 2000 | RJJOHNSON
Cim system is what we used on cp6 d axis tables.It worked very well.I liked it and it was for pre run and during run feeder feeding.Uses a barcode reader and reads bottom of d axis where barcode are to match what is assigned to a slot by pre scanning
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 04 11:32:50 EDT 2021 | stephendo
What about the bar code reader? The ability of them vary a lot. One machine had problems reading clearly printed barcodes. But after new software it would read them well. And later we got boards with the datamatrix barcodes silk screened on. They we
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 12:04:57 EDT 2021 | proceng1
Are you using a regular barcode scanner, or a smartphone app? When I print QR style codes on labels, I often use my phone to verify the print, but I've found that sometimes, especially when I print very small, or a very dense barcode, my phone won't
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 09 22:46:32 EST 2005 | davef
Search the fine SMTnet Archives. For example: http://www.smtnet.com//forums/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_thread&CFApp=1&Thread_ID=7711Message30608
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 01 17:50:31 EST 2002 | stefwitt
the good and bad days are normal results of statistics. You enter some variables like number of feeders, length of part numbers, day of the week, sexual satisfaction of the operator a.s.f. , you get some statistical distribution. It tells us that on