Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 11 07:26:07 EST 2008 | laplooi
Hi, me again. Who can tell me which software is availble for the Mirtec MV-2BTL? On this moment we working with Mirtec Inspector 3.4.2/7.50+ is this the only software which is availble for the MV-2BTL?
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 07 14:52:43 EDT 2020 | glasscake
Does anyone have a comprehensive manual or some pages on how to setup/how the laser height functions work on a Mirtec MV-7U? (Mirtec Inspector 4.5.6) Even a sentence describing what each input for these tools do would be amazing. I FINALLY was able
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 09 12:08:25 EDT 2013 | zinalnpatel
I am new into the programming of mirtec MV2-HT and I have tried a lot of things tyo program for the IC bridge inspector but it fails everytime, Can someone please help me learn the programming of IC bridge. Thank you
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 20:01:30 EDT 2012 | eadthem
some things to consider, Is there flux on the board. are there finger prints on the tops of parts. Is the board warped at the V score from reflow Is the board shifting in the machine during inspection. These are the issues we have had with our mir
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 09:41:05 EDT 2016 | jbuckley
Typically on my company's Mirtec systems, any anomalies, such as cracks, chips, etc. on chip capacitors and chip resistors are going to be detected with just a basic mounting inspector. We have a full image of the part (solder joint not included) as
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 07 14:55:41 EDT 2020 | glasscake
Also yes I know about Mirtec's second owner program but it is not an option considering the cost of that is almost as much as it cost to buy the machine. Does anyone have like a developer manual that gives in depth explanation of the functions/tools
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 04 18:08:26 EST 2011 | eadthem
There is a option to enable no good marking that must be enabled on the board options where you reset your board count and images. dose the marker zero on startup?. If not then it may also need enabled in the inspector settings. ead
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 04 19:55:49 EDT 2010 | eadthem
The best method i have for the few lifted/bent lead issues we have is i use a ic/bridge inspector with all its default options to check for bridges and solder at the tip. then i add a solder inspector but this time accrost all pins at the downslope o
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 07 18:12:56 EST 2011 | eadthem
I do not know what software version you have, but on older versions it is best to have a mounting inspector set to be the primary and then mask out all labels and solder so it just locates the part. Then add another mounting inspector for looking at
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 28 17:02:07 EDT 2011 | grasso1976
Has anyone had success utilizing the lifted lead/ height checker feature on a Mirtec MV-7L. We recently had two separate events where the machine did not detect a lifted lead using the ic/bridge inspector. The soldering results came back with out def