Electronics Forum: mirtec mv-9 (Page 1 of 1)

Mirtec MV-9 inline 3D AOI

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 16 02:29:38 EDT 2017 | cpcompany

Dear All. My name is Casey Park from Starworks Korea. These days we purchased pre-owned Mirtec MV-9 inline 3D AOI from a customer site and have it fully refurbished and upgraded by Mirtec HQ. If anyone has a plan to invest 3D AOI or upgrade old 2D

Mirtec MV-9 inline 3D AOI

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 16 03:24:27 EDT 2017 | pavel_murtishev

Hello, Please e-mail me details. Thank you in advance. Best Regards, Pavel Murtishchev

Can anyone tell me that between Mirtek & Kohyoung which AOI machine will be better and why?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 16 22:34:24 EST 2015 | anvil1021

WEll unfortunately I know the answer to your dilemma all too well and I will make it easy for you. The Koh Young takes a miracle to program and the Mirtec has a superior software and 3D system when you have the MV9 system. Just to day I was measuring

Can anyone tell me that between Mirtek & Kohyoung which AOI machine will be better and why?

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 17 12:58:11 EST 2015 | anvil1021

The MV-7 OMNI is a Great Machine, has the same 3D Solution MV-9 Quad Moire Multi Frequency System. You will not be disappointed, you will find new ways to use the 3D system as time goes on and it is rock stable and incredibly precise. Either the MV-

Can anyone tell me that between Mirtek & Kohyoung which AOI machine will be better and why?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 16 12:33:58 EST 2015 | ianatvadatech

Hey Syed, I've been running the MV-9 for just over a year. We shopped around very extensively (two APEX shows) before switching from yestech to mirtec and we bought two of the best systems they had to cover the four lines we run. Two systems are fa


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