Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 10 18:08:29 EST 2011 | eadthem
vpblf I actually installed the Uniserver (apache mysql php) WAMP on the AOI machine and there is a setting to make it generate HTML board results, cant remember where off the top of my head. anyhow anyone in the inspection area can now open firefo
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 17 19:43:20 EDT 2009 | fujiphil
Have you eliminated the hardware N.G.? Check the connection for the rear door. If the connection are ok, try to bypass the key. short the two wires for the rear door. If the rear door problem is corrected, check the rear door switch physically. Reg
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 21 10:45:45 EST 2012 | acsscott
Thanks for the password. There is a 7 pin connector for the Emergency stop in and out. It has a mate with a jumper wire attached to the Topaz end. If you put the jumpered mating connector on this, the emergency stop errors go away. The other conn
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 31 08:27:32 EST 2013 | phase1
Hello, We have just aquired an MV-2HTL AOI with the NG marker option. We are looking for someone familiar with these machines to provide training. I have programmed a board already using the manuals but am not confident as to what values and passing
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 20 14:56:22 EST 2012 | acsscott
Ok, so we figured out that if the LCS is connected, we don't get the error. So, the HDLC data buss gos out and back, or is terminated in the LCS. How to remove the LCS? We try to go into maintenance screen to change the machine configuration, and
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 04 22:39:51 EST 2013 | armandogomez
Ok we have to admit that for some reason you went for the used machine, but the $6000 are worth it, I have 2 of the same machine without the NG marker, and in 4 years (the newest one ) and like 6 o more of the old one, there have not been a mech prob
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