Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 13 04:49:59 EST 2006 | Fhail
Hi All, I'm new in PCBA process. Recently in my leadfree production we encountered a missing ring on some of the ring on the board after we ran hem through Wave soldering machine. The board has gone through double reflow prior to the Wave soldering.
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 14 13:42:45 EST 2006 | patrickbruneel
If the OSP boards have gone through double reflow I assume that you use an aggressive (halide) flux for wave soldering. SAC 305 is known (search the archives) to dissolve copper faster than other lead-free alloys. This together with an aggressive flu
Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 06:56:40 EDT 2009 | xinxi
Hi! From your post, it seem like the wave did not really touch the component. You probably need to get the both wave height correct and that it hits the component.It is normal for solder to come through the PCB when using chip wave. The through-hole
Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 11:54:29 EDT 2009 | allwave
Armando, Make sure chip wave is pumping evenly across. These TD machines require a lot of maintenance (deep cleaning)to ensure all the holes on nozzle are open... My two cents, George
Electronics Forum | Fri May 29 02:08:08 EDT 2009 | cobar
Check that you are getting an even spray pattern from the fluxer.Check that the chip wave nozzle is clean and if possible feed the PCB in to the wavesolder unit at 90 � or 180�.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 25 21:10:28 EDT 2009 | padawanlinuxero
Hello !! I have a problem with my wave solder oven, in one of the products we made has connectors on one side of the pcb and in the other one has SMT components the process is kinda tricky on the SMT components we use an adhesive and put to the refl
Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 07:53:41 EDT 2009 | padawanlinuxero
Thanks ! I will try your recommendations, about the flux and the preheaters, yes they seems to be ok I will bring down de conveyor speed because it looks like if it is to fast is set to 3.6ft thanks again!
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 09 09:25:57 EDT 2006 | Mike F
Am I missing something here? I usually put some type of stiffener or support on the leading edge to make sure the PWB doesn't sag in the middle from the preheat. If I had to add a bean bag with shotgun pellets or BB's I would have boards falling out
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 11:01:42 EST 1999 | Dave F
| Hi folks, | | I am looking for inputs on a long-standing problem encountered in our shop: Bottom-side parts (passives) falling off in the Wave...where the only remnants of the part is a flattened glue dot of proper diameter and volume, and somet
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 11 18:28:03 EDT 2015 | gregoryyork
Hi its undercured solder resist which leaves a clear waxy/oily residue and can be seen as brown tar/oil in the molten solder wave. This also causes MicroSolder Balling and some snail trails of solder pick up and worst case bridging and peeling resist
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