Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 02 06:14:19 EDT 2004 | goofy
Yes! I now it is a simple question! Can you place audio information on to a mobile phone simm card which you can be play through the phone when you press a key. Example: I place my new simm card into my phone, then the display will change on the phon
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 05 20:37:44 EDT 2004 | davef
Now, now Fastek let's not resort to name calling. B-)
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 05 22:29:38 EDT 2004 | fastek
Sorry...couldn't resist.
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 04 17:20:49 EDT 2004 | Paul_pmd
This is a SMT forum. You would have better luck posting in some electronics forums. Good luck with your project.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 05 01:30:44 EDT 2004 | fastek
The answer is no. It can't be done. Stop acting goofy.....goofy.
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 04 20:10:41 EDT 2004 | davef
If I was a PTO, I would have taken steps to prevent someone from hacking into my card, if for not other reason that to prevent someone from getting more time than proper. Not to say someone hasn't accomplished that, we just don't know. So, why can'
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 17 09:08:22 EST 2017 | davef
An interesting paper on the topic is "The evolution of surface finishes in mobile phone applications" by Claus Würtz Nielsen at Nokia Mobile Phones R&D [http://www.cicmt.org/adv_micro/papers/Nordic2004paper.pdf] The paper reported corrosion problem
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 04 08:10:32 EST 2022 | leductho
We are big manufacturing site in Vietnam. Our factory are producing some key Customers' products such as phones, smart speakers, Automotive, IOT devices. We are looking for new customers who need EMS, OEM, ODM services.
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 08 05:33:44 EST 2006 | amigo
Hello EveryBUDDY ! Sorry if my questions sounds too naive!!!! I am into Mobile phone repairs and have not been hearing much about "LEADFREE" soldering till now. Browsing thro' this forum and various SMTNET newsletters, i find that this is one of the
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 19 13:03:16 EDT 2004 | pjc
Electronics manufacturing moving to China is not about the labor man. You all don�t get it. It�s the material, and not just the electronics material either. Plastics and metal parts costs are lower. Labor costs are the smallest component of a produc