Electronics Forum: mobile repairing machine information (Page 1 of 4)

Assembleon maitenance and repairs

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 14 14:45:23 EDT 2015 | avg1

I am looking for a company that does repair and maintenance on Assembleon pick and place machines. We have 3 Assembleon Topaz-X machines that need to be calibrated and head repaired. I received a quote from Assembleon which was outrageous. Any inf

Re: x-ray systems

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 16:36:54 EST 2000 | Dennis O'Donnell

We've recently purchased a Nicolet Imaging System. There are several brands on the market and some alternatives. From our research we found that you basically get what you pay for. I would plan on spending from 30k to 60k for a good quality system

Cyberoptics Camera Repair

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 23 17:27:29 EDT 2019 | emanuel

Cyberoptics cameras and laser alignment systems are very popular and used in a lot of machines. So weird, but there is absolutely no technical information available and even in the company's web site they don't exist. Some models like the Hawkeye cam

Automatic In-line Depanelizer

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 19 22:53:40 EDT 2006 | casey71

Dear Tim. It is nice to meet you online. I am very glad to introduce one korean company producing various depanelling machine. This company has installed more than 100 units in NOKIA mobile phone line located at Masan in Korea. If you need more i

Ro-260E Reflow oven Repair

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 19 14:01:02 EDT 2011 | davidalvarez

We just acquired an RO-260E reflow oven for doing prototypes and very small production runs, we are currently having issues with the conveyor motor. Before we got the oven the persons that had it before did some modifications to the conveyor system

Old Quad 100 worth saving/converting?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 09:57:17 EDT 2020 | bobpan

Jeremy, That is a quad 1000. It is a first generation samsung machine with a quad label. I used to train/service them. Contact me if you want some information on it. My contact info is at: www.precision-repairs.com Bob

Juki Operator Maintenance

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 12 09:29:22 EDT 2013 | ericrr

The person who told me the information was the "technical" partner who used to own half the company, & owned the machine and rented back to the company, about the time he retired, who had has hand in more than one electronic industry pie, over his wo

SMT Production Capability

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 29 18:05:13 EST 2004 | magellan

Bobby I read with interest your recent commentary on Contact Systems. One item that caught my eye was your instruction to possible users of Contact Equipment to be wary of their used machines. We at Magellan Service have been providing support to

be careful a cheat company-Sydeco Srl(Biagi Luigi)

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 20 04:43:35 EST 2010 | japanusedsmt

Dear All, Please be careful of Sy.De.Co. SRL, Italy company, the boss is Luigi Biagi, the mobile is 00393483313341. The office tel is +39.0543-781069, Biagi's email is biagi@sydeco.it and info@sydeco.it. The company add is Via G.Ansaldo, 17/CI-471

Rework Stations

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 06 11:39:17 EDT 2008 | reworker

Hi - do you know FINETECH http://www.finetech.de? This machines are the best choice for high end rework applications. here is an overview of possible rework applications; http://www.finetech.de/enid/Applications/Rework___Repair_bs.html . Let me know

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