Electronics Forum: moisture trapped (Page 1 of 6)

Rigid Flex Wave Soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 04 16:54:58 EDT 2007 | pjc

Maybe more baking time is needed. Topside board temp too low. Moisture trapped in board. Top of through hole capped by component and trapping flux. http://www.speedlinetech.com/electrovert/electrovert-troubleshooting/index.htm

Tantalum capacitor mis-alignment & throwoff issues

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 08 22:23:24 EST 2019 | kenneth0

Hi Prem, try take a few caps and bake them before assembling them to the board to see whether this problem goes away. Its a common problem these tentalum caps can outgas if there's moisture trapped within. Once verified that moisture is the culprit

Package rebake

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 09 01:22:39 EST 2019 | kenneth0

Hi Simond, The baking process is likely to remove any moisture after the cleaning process. We wouldn't want any moisture trapped as this might cause delamination if the package is subject to subsequent heating/reflow process. Hence there's a staging

component baking

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 21 07:24:12 EDT 2002 | bayanbaru

What is the correct method to bake or cure the component?Standard baking practise by us is to place the units into oven at 125 �C for 8 hrs directly. But I was told that the correct baking practise is to cool down the Baking Oven to Room temp and onl

PCB Delamination

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 01 16:13:45 EDT 2012 | kahrpr

You also need to get with the PCB manufacturer. Their is a lot that can go wrong with that many layers. If the manufacture is trapping that much moisture. you may have a hard time baking it out. Dave and Graham are right about the time and energy. It

Re: Solder Mask IPC Standard

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 14 08:05:17 EDT 1999 | JohnW

Dream, Sound's to me like your PCB supplier has process problems, probably outgassing or such from trapped moisture / contaminant's. I thoink it's time you called in your vendor for a chat. JohnW

PCB Baking after Wash

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 03 07:30:57 EST 2008 | realchunks

Hi System Steve, What is a solvent cleaner over water wash? Solvent first and then rinse with water? And why do they feel the need to bake the boards? Do they think trapped moisture will cause board damage?

Flux wave on PCBs

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 14 15:48:40 EDT 2015 | horchak

The white haze is definitely an indication of moisture being trapped in uncured or improperly applied solder mask. You can verify this by heating up the board using a heat gun on an area of the board with the white haze, and if it clears up that is t

Rigid Flex Wave Soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 04 19:10:20 EDT 2007 | rgduval

Pete, Top-side temp might be an issue. What's the easiest way to check it? I seem to recall some thermal decals that we used to use a couple of jobs ago. I spoke with the flex manufacturer, and they recommended 4 hours at 250 degrees pre-process

Re: Baking PWB's

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 10:45:04 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| Can anyone help me with the correct baking cycle for removing moisture for PWB's. These are 10 layer double sided SMT. | | Thank You R. J. Klein Wassink in Soldering in Electronics states - 16 hours @ 105C or 40 hours @ 80C in a ventilated oven

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