Electronics Forum: mold compound bleed out (Page 1 of 1)

Re: IC plastic encapsulant family

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 07 10:49:38 EDT 2000 | John Thorup

Dave - let's not forget Dainippon's Novolac epoxy. This is the stuff that caused us so much grief with IC shortages years ago when their factory was damaged and it turned out they were the world's major supplier of molding compounds. This also spaw

Circuit Card Assembly Molding

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 31 20:50:13 EDT 2011 | tkirk

I disagree with the others about conformal coating before potting. Some of the softer urethane potting compounds can absorb water leading to caustic nastiness in the voids under the parts. Conformal coating can help fill/seal the voids and keep the n

Re: Drying ICs any advice

Electronics Forum | Sun May 17 13:46:30 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory

Hi All! I've been reading this conversation which prompted me to break out the IPC-SM-786A from the IPC manuals from our parent company in Maryland sent us (we're just starting up in California). It's the Procedures for Characterizing and Handling of

Re: Moisture Bake-out of Plastic Parts

Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 11:11:59 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory

Hi Peter, There's been a lot of discussion on this topic lately (baking parts), and that got me reading the IPC-SM-786A, which is pretty good. For your first question, the parts absorb moisture over time. The type of package mold compound

Re: Adhesion loss on passives over wave

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 20:08:34 EST 1999 | Steve Gregory

Are you suggesting there may be some chemical incompatibility between paste/flux chemistries and the glue being used - thus intefering with the glue's ability to bond properly? I've only heard of this possibility, but never experienced it. Justin, St

pbga substrate crack vision system

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 24 18:57:03 EDT 2009 | davef

From "siliconfareast.com": Basic Die Cracking FA Flow 1) Failure Information/Device and Lot History Review. Understand the customer's description of the failure, i.e., the failure mode, where it was encountered, what conditions the sample was subject


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