Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 22 15:11:40 EST 2022 | jbrochecouste
hello, I am looking for information on the following error message: F-MOT-MSETDYN HYDRA Z/156 / TIMEOUT... on a MY12, tell me your experience until the problem is solved
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 03 12:36:14 EST 2020 | tomdegas
I cleaned and re-greased everything on the Hydra head and I even changed the motor and encoder and it still gives me the timeout error Z/156. Where do I look now? My machine has been down now for 3 weeks.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 05 07:40:55 EST 2020 | tomdegas
I swapped the mi boards with ones from a working My12 machine and the same results. To recap my problem: On "Hardware Initialization" the center jaws open and close, the Hydra Theta belt moves back and forth, the Hydra head moves all the way down an
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 21 10:50:00 EST 2020 | tomdegas
I am getting the following error on our MY9 during hardware initialization: F-MOT-MSEDYN HYDRA Z/156 Motor Timeout After the Theta test, The HYDRA head moves slowly all the way to the bottom and then moves slowly back up and the system fails initia
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