Electronics Forum | Tue May 05 15:12:29 EDT 2020 | electronicsprecis1
I have a Juki 740 that was working great until one day a motor cable broke and after this messege the emergency stop button has been pressed..." error popped up when I turned the machine on. I know the emergency stop works all the way. Does anyone ha
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 22 12:01:27 EST 2021 | cuervo
hello i have a juki 2060 an a error E620001 EMERGENCI STOP appears on screen an there is no switch pressed can someone help me , my pick and place is dead
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 07 16:56:32 EDT 2013 | marcelorotofrance
When I turn the machine on, almost every time I turn the Motor Power Switch it trips. I must to put the lever down and raise it again, then every runs normally. I asked to the former owner about that and told me that this machine always did it so and
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 05:01:38 EDT 2013 | bobpan
Motor Error 5 is usually an interlock error. Take off the rear right cover and look at the red and green led's on the driver cards. If they are both lit....you have a door open or if you have carts....a feeder base switch is up. Good Luck
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 15:39:36 EDT 2021 | bukas
it can be cable. can you swap cables with next driver? also swap cables on head. if same driver shows error you need new driver probably. if new driver shows error then its cables or motor. check documentation to see what motor it drives. you cant sw
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 05:34:28 EDT 2013 | bobpan
I would check the following: 1. Make sure the head can move in all axis including z and theta by physically moving each. 2. Check the voltage from the main power supply which is located in the middle of the machine on the top of the main board asse
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 30 17:21:46 EDT 2021 | jamesatqkits
So it was the drive, I was able to swap the conveyor drive for the mirror drive, these 2 drives are the same luckily. Just tapping lightly on the head would cause a 22 error to appear on the drive, at first I thought the motor must be bad. After talk
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 12:50:14 EDT 2021 | jamesatqkits
Hi Bukas, Err 22 shows up on the Panasonic motor driver in the back. I purchased this machine used. I have never had it operating in my shop. I checked the output of the transformer, 110 V output is 97 220 is 197, so I checked my input its 200 (machi
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 15:21:04 EDT 2015 | zombee
Dear Users! I have a Topaz pick&place machine, but the conveyor motor is not working. 1st test - production: Start production in "operation" menu: if I put the PCB the entrace of machine, the assembly head-bank picks up the first 8 components (prec
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 01 01:05:24 EDT 2015 | rgarcia0626
I'm not familiar with you machine but it seems the problem is not the motor. if there's a manual I/O, switch on your conveyor from there and check if there's a voltage going into the motor.Check the control boards for the conveyor, relays and sensors