Electronics Forum: mounter philips (Page 1 of 1)

Problem with y-axis Yamaha84 SMT mounter

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 26 18:25:13 EDT 2005 | darby

The encoder on the Y axis motor is almost certainly kaput. Debris from the wear of the motor brushes or whatever else can find its way onto the encoder and give an ever increasing false pulse. The axis will start OK but progressively go out of whack

Misalignment with Phillips FCM-II

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 28 19:27:57 EST 1999 | Charley Qin

Hi, Friends Who has the experience on Philips FCM-II mounter? And do you have any suggestion and advice on how to fix 0402 chip misalignment problem? Thanks,

Re: wafer to waffle

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 13 07:17:32 EDT 2000 | Paul Gerits

Dear Sir, It is possible depending on the exact application. At the moment only way to go direct from die to waffle or PCB is with Hover Davies direct die feeders on Philips EMT (ACM, advanced component mounter), Universal and Siemens machines. This

Yamaha YM84S,floppy disk does not boot program

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 09 03:03:31 EDT 2005 | meritajs

We have problem with floppy disk for YM84s, YM66s We do not have diskettes backup copies and mounter can not start to operate.We have ecspierience with PHILIPS CSM84V without diskeetes What could be recomend?

i have to buy one NXT from Fuji What do you think???

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 15 11:24:10 EST 2004 | fastek

You're correct Rob. If you go back any amount of time in this business like it sounds you have (and I know I have), it wasn't that long ago that companies like Philips and Seimens were way behind everyone else, (Fuji and Pana) when it came to buildin

Where do I Start?

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 07 09:40:30 EDT 2002 | fastek

I agree with Peter. Trying to locate another supplier is your best option. If you still decide to do it in house, then I highly recommend you purchase new equipment as opposed to used. I say this and I am a used equipment dealer. Based on your lack o


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