Electronics Forum: mounting inspection (Page 1 of 16)

SMD LEDs stick to nozzle while mounting

Electronics Forum | Mon May 21 09:00:19 EDT 2012 | mosborne1

Try switching to a polymer nozzle. Your machine manufacturer may sell them on any machine shop can mill you one. Also check to see if your pick and place had a puff off function. Some older machines have a mechanical adjustment on the mac valve used

Blacklight for coating inspection

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 04 18:23:12 EDT 2011 | frcdave

I have seen a configuration with a lows type blacklight mounted inside of a smaller cardboard box/ depending on the size of your board, that may work.

First piece inspection

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 09 20:40:58 EST 2002 | ianchan

Since we are on the topic, What we do over here, is to get SMT Technical to machine pick&place "sample component layouts" onto double-sided tape, which in turn is placed onto an actual PCB... QA will take that double-sided tape sample, and using an

Re: Solder paste inspection

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 10 22:18:02 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory

I am trying to get an idea of what system seems to work best for >solder paste inspection. I am looking for basic table top >models with he capabilites of height and width measurements. >Can anyone give me suggestions, pricing and why you prefer on

Reg. Fuji nozzles at the H12HS and DX mounting heads

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 20 08:26:22 EST 2022 | oclsc

Hej SMTnet. I have some questions regarding when to replace nozzles at the H12HS and DX mounting heads (Fuji Aimex 2, running Nexim). 1. Is there anyone here at this forum who has any experince how often it make sense to replace the nozzles in orde

Post reflow solder joint inspection

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 03 12:39:20 EST 2004 | paul_bmc

We had the data at the time and it was quite high. More false calls then anything. I do not have the data anymore it since has been archived. When the system was introduced we had 1 engineer and 2 operators trained for programming and running the

Re: AOI optical inspection lets here it!!!!!!

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 12 10:15:40 EST 2000 | Rick Thompson

I have to agree with Michael's comments. We've been evaluating systems for a month or so. There's a pretty wide range depending on what you're looking for. I'd say the first thing needed is to define your expectations. Are you looking for solder in

Process control, SMT inspection and rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 09 15:23:05 EDT 2002 | Alan W.

I have recently signed onto a company with very little board assembly experience. I am trying to develop a process control and continuous process improvement program for a new surface mount line, but have run into several people who are not really i

Process control, SMT inspection and rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 09 15:24:10 EDT 2002 | Alan W.

I have recently signed onto a company with very little board assembly experience. I am trying to develop a process control and continuous process improvement program for a new surface mount line, but have run into several people who are not really i

Process control, SMT inspection and rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 09 15:24:29 EDT 2002 | Alan W.

I have recently signed onto a company with very little board assembly experience. I am trying to develop a process control and continuous process improvement program for a new surface mount line, but have run into several people who are not really i

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