Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 02 14:36:02 EST 1999 | Anthony Winston
Does the possibility exist where one can calculate the movement of a SMT component during reflow given component and pad geometries? Thanks in advance.
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 30 09:47:52 EST 1998 | Paul M
Hi All, I work with CNC Routers . I use full perimeter routing of double sided populated panels, in a high volume/ mix application environment. We chose stand alone routing machines for our facility . I'm interested in your input for better ideas
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 03 10:30:27 EST 1999 | John Thorup
Hi Anthony I'm not sure I understand your question. Do you mean move to a better or more precise placement or to an error or bad position? I'm not aware of any calculation that can predict movement since it is based on so many factors like component
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 03 20:02:44 EST 1999 | Anthony Winston
Well John here is the situation: I need to place an infrared transistor (optical element) with a tolerance of +/-.003", this is not a problem. A lens is positioned over the optical element and snapped to the PCB via three holes that have a toleran
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 03 22:14:03 EST 1999 | Dave F
Anthony: John's points are well taken. All SMT components float to some degree. Fly shit floats more than multi-lead. Well duh!!! I know of no formula. The most cogent discussion is in THE BOOK (Klein Wassink's "Soldering In Electronics), but i
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 14 16:55:07 EST 2020 | bilalfarooqi
Thanks so much Bruce and thanks Rob.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 10 17:32:59 EST 2020 | SMTA-Alex
Check that the new vacuum tubing isn't restricting the theta rotation. It can "wrap" around the Midas head, if not secured properly.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 10 22:29:07 EST 2020 | bilalfarooqi
Thanks all. I didn't check any further as I dont want to mess the midas head any further especially because I'm not sure how to take it out to work on it.
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 14 12:37:08 EST 2020 | bilalfarooqi
Hey Rob, I don't know where the MOT cards are located on MY12 or how to change them. Do you have any documentation or instructions on how to change the MOT cards?
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 14 14:35:44 EST 2020 | emeto
From what I remember, shut off machine, unplug cable/hose, unscrew 4 screws and the head is out.