Electronics Forum: mpa and g3 (Page 1 of 3)

Die placement with MPA-G3 pick and place

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 06 07:53:51 EDT 2002 | Jim M.

Has anyone had much luck Picking and Placing die with a Panasonic MPA-G3?What special setups or considerations are required? Currently we pick and place one die with our Universal GSM using only one nozzle. The nozzle must be painted white in order

Die placement with MPA-G3 pick and place

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 06 08:16:13 EDT 2002 | caldon

Jim- Sorry I can not offer advice on the Panasonic machine but do want to shed light on the Die and waffle pack issue. Take note that if the Die are loose in the pockets the balls or terminations could be damaged. The thin layer that the ball is atta

Panasonic MPA 3

Electronics Forum | Mon May 03 17:14:36 EDT 2010 | stepheniii

If I remember correctly the best solution was to turn the shuttle off. I don't think we ever found any real benefit to using the shuttle. On some machines a shuttle is great but IRCC not so much on this one. Do some time trials to see if using the sh

Flux appearance

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 15 11:27:05 EST 2006 | stepheniii

By any chance is it eutectic paste and pallidium leads? Also how tight are you checking coplanarity? At least with the MPA-G3 you can check so tight that any IC will fail in the real world. Or you can check so loose that you might as well not check.

56mm feeders for Panasonic MPA P&P machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 17 17:39:26 EDT 2002 | fastek

Stephen- I'm not sure since I'm having trouble understanding your post whether you are knocking my post or not. If you did intend some sort of slight than let me clarify your concerns: 1) Claude is not using an MPA-G3 so H.D. is out. 2) I've used P

PDBE and PBB replacements???

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 25 22:56:44 EDT 2005 | davef

rush316 First, no one stated that PBB and/or PCBE are in FR4. FR4 contain tetra-bromo-bisphenol A [TBBA]. Second, there are classes [and grades] of dielectric materials used in fabricating printed circuit boards. Grades, NEMA LI-1. From these gr

56mm feeders for Panasonic MPA P&P machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 17 12:38:17 EDT 2002 | stepheno

If you have a newer style MPA like the MPA-G3, check out http://www.hoverdavis.com/Products/mpp/mpp.htm I find them much better than the panasonic feeders. You may have to set pitch to 2 or 3 because of timeing issues, or you can change the NC progr

Panasonic Feeders MVII and MPA

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 05 11:14:09 EDT 1999 | AITOR ALAPONT

I am loking for second hand panasonic feeders MVII and MPA. Please tell me characteristics, price and waranties.

QFP Coplanarity

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 18:10:13 EST 2002 | stepheno

When you say "dropping" I assume you mean "rejecting" them because co-planarity is outside the tolerance you have set and the machine is putting them on the reject belt or tray as the case may be. I worked for a CM with an MPA-G3. One customer suppl

paste Sn42/Bi58 and Lead Finish

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 03 11:20:35 EDT 2012 | davef

EricR: There's substantial information about the properties of solder alloys on the web. Here's an example of something that I clipped from one site Alloy ||Solidus (°C)||Liquidus (C°) ||Tensile Strength (psi / MPa) Sn42 Bi58||-E-||138||8000 / 55.2

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