Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 13 09:36:46 EDT 1998 | RNLM
| Is cost an issue? I evaluated Siemens Siplace about a year ago and the price per placement was twice what Phillips Machinery has to offer. We too are a high mix/low PCb count shop. Also, Siemens has many hidden costs and the references I talked
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 13 04:37:22 EDT 1999 | Brian
| I noticed that some of our pcb's component legend/designation are unreadable as they are placed under smt pads. Is this correct and according to standard? Although we don't have any problems with them as of now, I would like to know the effects on
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 13 09:49:16 EDT 1999 | John Thorup
| | I noticed that some of our pcb's component legend/designation are unreadable as they are placed under smt pads. Is this correct and according to standard? Although we don't have any problems with them as of now, I would like to know the effects o
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 09 18:22:06 EDT 2019 | spoiltforchoice
Not easy is it. However this forum is not exactly throbbing with activity and I think anything that encourages more people to use it is a good thing. That includes useful input from people selling tools, equipment & services we might use. Perhaps if
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 02 13:58:23 EDT 2022 | jojoled
Hi Thomas, Seems your machines do what I am looking for. Slight time delay between 2picks is OK,( because the software is not made in multithread way), that is OK.....I just want to have 1x definition of the component in placement data and Component
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 12 19:48:47 EDT 2010 | bootstrap
I like what you're doing. 20 years ago anyone, hobbyists and tiny garage-shop companies could create electronics devices just as sophisticated and cool as big corporations. Today, SMT has largely trashed the creativity (and competition) that existe
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