Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 23 07:55:24 EDT 2019 | ashray
how can I change the language in MPM up 2000? the machine has a default language set to german I wanted to know if it can be changed to English. I tried in BIOS there is no option to do that. Please guide me on this.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 10 11:48:03 EST 2016 | awhite
I recently had a similar problem on our 2000Hie, although ours was a 7-Hardware, Vision X. Turns out there was a short/break in the 3-wire harness that controls the Vision X Stepper. The difficulty came from the fact that this particular harness is
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 15 02:45:14 EDT 2006 | dman97
Does anyone know if it is possible to lower the camera brightness when selecting fiducials? Our UP2020's camera is extremely bright and sometimes it causes the fiducials to be rejected cause they are too bright to be seen. Any settings than can be a
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 15 12:02:55 EDT 2006 | pr
Check your gel flex. They're no good. Don't use em. good Luck pr
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 15 09:40:43 EDT 2006 | SWAG
Not sure about 2020 but AP's have an option to perform a histogram test/adjustment on the lighting. It's a black card, white card test and you can adjust a pot. in the machine to make the histogram curve "best-fit". On an AP, you find this option i
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 15 07:31:27 EDT 2006 | Chunks
Yes, when teaching fids and you get to the screen shows your fid (either board or stencil), hit the middle "roller button" labeled NEXT. This will toggle your bulb from regular to bright and vice/versa. If it's still very bright, the bulb itself ma
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 15 10:55:23 EDT 2006 | chrisgriffin
Some software versions won't allow a brightness change with the next button. You should do a histogram test. Place a board on the worknest, then a smooth white card on top of that. Then jog the camera over the card. Raise the Z-axis to it's softwa
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 03:27:08 EDT 2006 | dman97
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew of a backdoor setting in these machines that will allow you to change the machine configuration. At my company, we have one operator who decided it would be nice to lock everyone out of the user menus. He
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 28 19:28:54 EDT 2017 | aemery
Giao, These style of MPM's use stepper motors, but no feedback like an encoder or a resolver. In other words all axis positions are assumed after "Reset" of the machine. Because of this style of drive system there is the potential for the vision ga
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 18 00:49:13 EDT 2018 | mohsenpour
hello my printer is mpm up2000 software on windows nt4 not working i want soft(apnt.exe) or image for this machine
Industrial Sensor Vision International specializes in advanced camera technology of high resolution fast speed cameras for automation, AOI, 2-D/3-D, SPI inspection and wafer inspection.
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