Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 12 14:19:03 EDT 2015 | tdemon69
i have a up 3000 ultraflex. the lower half of the tactile sensor is stuck down. i have replaced the driver board, check wire down to drive board,check the fuse for power on the driver board.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 13 13:51:44 EDT 2015 | tnisbet
The problem could be the tactile motor, we have it in stock. Please contact sales@goppm.com and request a quote for part number CA-399.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 02 17:06:39 EDT 2015 | aemery
Just to clarify, you are talking about the inner black box not driving down and not the pneumatic function that brings the tactile assembly closer to the stencil? Sometimes the pneumatic shafts get slightly bent and the assembly will not retract. T
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 03:35:28 EDT 2016 | yuran111
yury tsupa. good afternoon. ultraflex 3000 mpm need soft. help us. we broke the hard disk in the printer MPM Ultraflex 3000. we need a copy of your hard disk this printer or software to install - distribution. cd install. Thank you. payment guarant
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 08 16:25:00 EST 2013 | eduardo3mx
hello I need your help I have a machine mpm ultraprint3000 with the damaged hard drive I made a copy to the hard drive of another machine the same, but I have problems with the x-axis origin does not, either the track center, and the stencil wiper w
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 09 21:44:07 EDT 2005 | Marcel
Go in dos, go in the CONFIG dir. Edit the file ACCES.000 Yours passwords are there. You can delete the file and reboot, that will reset all passwords to factory default Operator MPM1 Maintenance MPM2 Supervisor MPM3 Calibrate MPM4 M
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 18 12:52:41 EDT 2005 | paulhaines2000
Try this - it's for a UP3000 but might work for you... Operator � no password Supervisor � mpm2 Maintenance � mpm3 Manufacturing � mpm4 Field Service � mpm4 1. To change or view codes, �esc� from program and go into DOS. 2. Type �cd\ULTRA\CONFIG�
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 06 18:31:27 EDT 2006 | jsloot
Any one familiar with a board clamp problem on MPM UP3000? The one I have will not clamp the board when program is running. It will work when toggled through the output diagnostics. Any help is appreciated.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 04 08:13:10 EDT 2016 | pavel_murtishev
Hello, I wonder whether anybody could share MPM UtraFlex 3000 software distributive. Having an HDD image from a filed machine would be very nice. Regards