Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 12 15:46:54 EST 2021 | ttheis
Hi Gerlad, I sent you a link from a file transfer service with an image of our up500 take with macrium reflect software. Let me know how it works out.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 13 03:20:36 EDT 2010 | aungthura
it is true.My supplier only sell the sodler paste in Jar,1 jar must have 500g( minimum), although we wanted 250g par jar.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 11 08:21:16 EDT 2010 | nrw
Hello, I am in the process of setting up processes for a low volume SMT line for internal prototype production, where a 500g jar of solder paste would last weeks. Our distributors only seem to want to supply 500g jars (anything else is significantl
Electronics Forum | Tue May 11 14:17:55 EDT 2010 | isd_jwendell
Getting the paste from the jar and into the cartridge without entrapping air can be difficult. Can you not just transfer the 500g jar into smaller working jars? This way you can keep the bulk of your paste refrigerated until needed. Air is not your f
Electronics Forum | Tue May 11 15:56:10 EDT 2010 | davef
First, you mix the paste in the jar with the centrifugal thing-a-ma-jig. Then what? So, how are you going to get the paste from the jar into the syringe [cartridge], anyhow? Are you going to use an Atlas Tool? How are you going to de-air the syri
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 16:54:38 EST 2021 | toledog
Does anyone have a copy of the Speedline Sigmaprint MPM 500 or 400 software? Our MPM 400 experienced a hard drive failure and we would appreciate a copy of the software and/or a clone of the hard drive. Before the hard drive failure, the computer was
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 17 03:23:14 EST 2014 | aemery
A UP500 Wow! I did work on one last year. Most left out there are labeled QUAD AVX500's, then Speedline bought Sigmaprint and it became a UP500. But you get the MPM sigpro software with the Speedline machine; they didn't build to many. It was used
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 11 03:13:06 EST 2021 | ttheis
sent you a message with my email address- otherwise send me yours and I'll send a link to a hard drive image from my up500 machine
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 17 04:32:07 EST 2014 | aflex
I suggest you to have error fix tool and execute it periodically as a safety measure. Check this link. My be this will help. http://www.pcmaxutilities.com/wikiexefiles/onyak-sigmapro-sqldatap-error-fix-guide.html
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 31 12:03:24 EST 2014 | markhoch
I can vouch for Keith. I've worked with him in the past on the exact two machines that Bill referenced. Keith is a fine old chap, who was very knowledgable and helpful!