Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 26 11:42:19 EDT 2012 | comatose
I have an ap-25 and wish i had gotten the UP-2000 instead. How's that for an answer? The main difference is that the ap-25 uses linear motors and air bearings, whereas the up-2000 uses ball screws. The linear motors are faster, but the whole thing i
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 06:59:45 EDT 2005 | Rob
From what I remember there is a "snap off" setting in the AP25, where you can set the separation speed & I think it may also vibrate the board a little.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 06 10:22:04 EDT 2005 | PWH
At times we have had this problem with our AP25 due to one of the conveyor belts slipping. Load a PCB and check to see that both conveyor belts are running at the same speed. If not, tighten the one that is dragging. Hope this helps.
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 09:27:36 EDT 2005 | russ
havfe you tried all paste manufacturers? Dog ears are usually from a little sticking to the aperture walls. this is usually the result of stencil design and or table seperation speed.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 10 15:56:04 EDT 2016 | comatose
A UP2000 is a great choice. I'd avoid the AP family from MPM. It's not that they're bad, per se, but the air bearings make it fiddly, maintenance intensive and a giant air hog, and you don't need the speed.
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 08:37:06 EDT 2005 | pavel_murtishev
Once again, it isn�t the process problem. It�s machine problem. I�ve tried to change all of the parameters: printing speed, printing pressure, snap-off speed, snap-off distance, etc. No any effect. Defect still exists with different process parameter
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 06 10:57:28 EST 2003 | Mark
What are the recommended stencil apertures for a TSOP40. Lead pitch 0.48mm & lead width 0.21mm. And direction of squeegee print over the aperture? Recommended Stencil thickness? Recommended aperture reductions? Recommended pcb pad sizes? Recommended
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 04 08:09:03 EDT 2007 | rich7799
I found the problem... the vx cable trunking was the wrong radius, so when the axis was moving at slower speeds to read pre stop position, the axis was not reading the platen correctly due to extra downward force.. Ive now replaced the trunking and
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 10 11:50:40 EDT 2007 | chrisgriffin
I assume your vacuum suction is good. Is this an above mounted board stop sensor? -Make sure it is finding the correct fiducial and not a similar object nearby. -Try physically moving the X-axis to check for backlash. There should be no movement.
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 18 11:52:38 EDT 2008 | rrpowers
A couple years back we were looking at going to an enclosed solder paste printing process, similar to the ProFlow, Crossflow, or Rheometric Pump. We have older MPM AP25's with a custom transport. Speedline told us that in order to add the RheoPump,