Electronics Forum: mpm axis motor of mpm 1003310-3mpm (Page 1 of 2)

mpm up 3000 ultraflex

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 02 17:06:39 EDT 2015 | aemery

Just to clarify, you are talking about the inner black box not driving down and not the pneumatic function that brings the tactile assembly closer to the stencil? Sometimes the pneumatic shafts get slightly bent and the assembly will not retract. T

Camera not parked error on mpm ap 25.

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 12 23:52:58 EDT 2017 | aemery

Don, either you have a faulty park sensor or much more likely the vision gantry Y axis is not reaching the sensor. Possible issues, one of the two VY drivers cards is failing; one of the VY forcer motors (air bearings) is failing; to much air leakin

DEK 265 motor com error, axis 1,2,3 fatal error

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 31 08:12:37 EDT 2016 | ttheis

Search for the bios or motherboard on ebay. Type in the part numbers you find on the boards and see if anything comes up. Often these are standard pc boards. I've repaired my old MPM by finding the cards on ebay cheap.

MPM UP2000 HiE Z axis software limit

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 22 10:19:57 EST 2010 | swag

Check/reseat all connections on axis driver card and from driver card to step motor. On older MpM's it is common to get a bad connection on the connector for axis driver power and blow components on your driver board. Reseating these connectors mig

MPM SPM-AV Replacement parts needed

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 21 08:12:11 EST 2012 | vparis

Hey I am in need of the following replaclment parts for an MPM SPM-AV s/n: 7095 Im looking for the Z-Axis Motor MPM p/n: 000298 and a Z axis belt MPM p/n: p2387 Let me know if you have any of these or you can shoot me in the right direction.

MPM UP 3000 SPARE Parts

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 21 18:05:44 EDT 2010 | empac

Hello, Does anyone have the following MPM UP3000 Spare part Part number 1001333 Description: MOTOR,M40 Z-AXIS, MODIFIED Thanks. Bob

MPM3000 Hi

Electronics Forum | Sat May 30 07:06:42 EDT 2015 | et1972

Hi I have a MPM3000HI printing machine with a following problem : Unable to run at high speed for z axis ,machine will stop at certain points . Have change ballscrew,nut ballscrew,motor and brake but still the same. Now run at low speed at 1 but t

MPM AP-20 z-tower falling/sliding down?

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 09 10:34:10 EDT 2009 | chrisgriffin

The Z axis is overloading. Could be a connector between the top of the table and the bottom of the rails, or a faulty motor, z-brake, or driver. Good luck!

MPM AP/A Problem

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 10 11:50:40 EDT 2007 | chrisgriffin

I assume your vacuum suction is good. Is this an above mounted board stop sensor? -Make sure it is finding the correct fiducial and not a similar object nearby. -Try physically moving the X-axis to check for backlash. There should be no movement.

MPM Sigmaprint 400

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 28 19:43:49 EDT 2017 | aemery

Simon, Trying to dust off my 400 knowledge here, I can picture the 500 and 1500 better in my head. I think the 400 also has a Z axis amplifier box in the back of the machine. Remove the rear lower door and pull out the big square vacuum box. If it

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