Electronics Forum: mpm board stop (Page 1 of 85)

mpm up 3000 ultraflex

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 12 14:19:03 EDT 2015 | tdemon69

i have a up 3000 ultraflex. the lower half of the tactile sensor is stuck down. i have replaced the driver board, check wire down to drive board,check the fuse for power on the driver board.

mpm up2000 backdoor?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 03:27:08 EDT 2006 | dman97

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew of a backdoor setting in these machines that will allow you to change the machine configuration. At my company, we have one operator who decided it would be nice to lock everyone out of the user menus. He

mpm up2000 backdoor?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 10:22:28 EDT 2006 | PWH

I've done this stuff on UP3000's and AP's so hopefully my advice will help with your 2000... You can get into all upper level user modes, correct? You don't mention test, cal. or field service mode. If you can't get into those, I can send you a pr

cp45fv-neo Emergency stop

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 15:39:18 EDT 2020 | jmelson

Yes, the rightmost VME board is the IO_DPRAM, and it also handles the front panel buttons and E-stop inputs to the computer(s). So, reseat the connectors on the front of that board. Also, there may be an interface board on the bottom left (called C

cp45fv-neo Emergency stop

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 12:01:14 EDT 2020 | inspiredmorris20

Thank you bukas, I have not tried to unslot the computer boards. Are you referring to unplug the hardware connections to each circuit board and reconnect them? Thanks again for the reply!!!

cp45fv-neo Emergency stop

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 19:53:17 EDT 2020 | inspiredmorris20

thank you both, We removed the connections and cleaned them. unfortunately no success, we are testing the conveyor interface board to see if we have a bad board. additionally we found that power supply #3 and #4 do have 110v going in but do not have

cp45fv-neo Emergency stop

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 07:06:20 EDT 2020 | bukas

did you try to unslot all computer boards (both PC and machine)and put them back? sometimes they loose contact and make wacky errors...

Re: Peelable solder stop

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 29 17:42:27 EST 1998 | Dave F

| Can anyone recommend a solder stop that can be applied by our PCB supplier. Our current material form Tamura Kaken is causing problems. | | The material should be capable of withstanding 1 Surface mount IR reflow cycle and 1 wave solder cycle. | W

cp45fv-neo Emergency stop

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 01 11:53:21 EDT 2020 | inspiredmorris20

bukas, Yes, as soon as the software loads it immediately throws a 0002 (front E-stop pressed) and will not come out of EMER mode until i stop, reset, ready, on the control panel. yesterday however it also threw a E100 I/O I/F board communication d

Peelable solder stop

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 23 03:33:14 EST 1998 | Charles Stringer

Can anyone recommend a solder stop that can be applied by our PCB supplier. Our current material form Tamura Kaken is causing problems. The material should be capable of withstanding 1 Surface mount IR reflow cycle and 1 wave solder cycle. We need t

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