Electronics Forum: mpm cognex video mixer card (Page 1 of 1)

Ap25 camera went all wiggly

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 02 15:20:48 EDT 2013 | aemery

Interesting! not the usual error. In my experience when the vision cables get damaged it shows up and white noise flashes across the monitor. The connections are the easiest to check so here's your system layout with connection points. Starting at

MPM Accuflex error camera vision

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 10 08:18:18 EST 2020 | astarotf

Hi We have an Accuflex MPM with camera vision problems which shows no image, only the screen looks gray. With the diagram we show that our MPM camera is receiving the appropriate 12V voltage on pin # 6 of the camera and supplies the video output on p


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