Electronics Forum: mpm dual image on stencil (Page 1 of 1)

Differences between screen and stencil printing

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 16 15:00:20 EST 2004 | glaucon

Simple differences. Both processes require a very similar machine platform, controlled motion, vision fiducial recognition and alignment of a substrate (PCB or hybrid ceramic) to the "image", the image being either a stencil (hence stencil printing)

would like any input on MPM problems

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 15 13:56:18 EDT 2005 | chunks

Here's an easy one. Make a camera that looks up at the board a non-mirror image. You could keep the mirror image toward the stencil since stencils rarely have any legend on em.

Aligning camera on the MPM AP25

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 25 20:20:22 EDT 2011 | johnyq

We recently aquired an old MPM-AP25 stencil printer that printed paste with a large error (about .060 inches). I concluded camera alignment to be the cause but was surprised by the magnitude. I found the camera beam splitter prism misaligned and loos


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