Electronics Forum | Wed May 29 18:41:09 EDT 2013 | navworx
Hello, We have a used 2003 (refurbed by MPM in 2006) UP2000 HIE printer that runs NT 4.0. On the computer case is a Microsoft WinXP hologram sticker - does this mean that the printer can be updated to Win XP?
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 06 07:06:44 EDT 2020 | dvetra
Hello! I am looking for documentation for the Speedline MPM AP HiE Screen Printer. Thanks! Dmitry
Electronics Forum | Tue May 05 16:19:15 EDT 2015 | brantco
Hi Everyone i am looking for a manual for a printer i picked up its a Speedline MPM AP Hie any help would be greatly appreciated
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 16:55:44 EDT 2022 | rdssmt
Hi, I have a Screen Printer MPM UP2000 HI-E machine that the software is not working; Does anyone have the software that can sell it to me or even a hard disk with the software? Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 06 08:15:18 EST 2007 | realchunks
Now you guys have to use "Tim" as your screen printer! LOL!
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 29 08:28:50 EST 2015 | markty
Dear guys, I am looking for the maunal fo the Speedline MPM AP HiE Screen Printer ,but, unfortunately, I have got nothing about it in internet. Any one who can help me and can send some manuals about it to me. My mail address: dongliang.ma@matrixopto
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 12 17:00:43 EST 2004 | karkanov
Hi, We maybe buy a MPM AP25hie, and the guy who sold the printer told me about a Dedicated tooling and a Universal Tooling...I not quiet sur of what is that, can someone explain it to me and what is the best option. Just for fun are you ready t
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 21 20:27:01 EDT 2020 | eptac
You can contact PPM in Fremont, NH. They provide spare parts and service to older MPM printers.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 13 19:51:47 EDT 2009 | prasadz
Jagadeesh Rajagopalan is the expert in MPM Screen printer Servicing and he suggest to do the calibration of Z axis with PCB thickness (1.3mm)
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 21 06:19:50 EDT 2014 | navworx
Hello, We have an MPM 2000 HiE printer. when opening the lid, the light does not come on. It looks like a typical kitchen fluorescent light fixture. Replaced the bulb, but still does not light. Does the fixture have the starter inside?