Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 13 20:12:53 EST 2000 | K. S. PARK
Hello . i am reviewing the s/p dek (dek 265 infinite) ,mpm (up3000). all user say the machines are good. but to me rheopump versus proflow. which one is better. someone out there using these head advise me. bad or good thing whatever it is
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 27 13:33:03 EST 2006 | Robert
Our MPM 2000 screen printer machine has a problem. During the machine reset mode a warning message come up "Z lockout not operating". Does anyone know what fault could cause this?
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 03 16:35:03 EDT 2021 | smtusa
We are big mpm fans especially the UP2000/2500 dos based. I just got an MPM SP2000 but feel thats too big. I would like something even smaller for an office setup. I looked up the MV100 and it came up with a pic of Quad. It looked pretty big in p
Electronics Forum | Thu May 09 10:37:35 EDT 2019 | slthomas
Disclaimer - I know nothing specific about MPM printers. First, a question - have you successfully printed or programmed a print cycle for any other board yet, or is this the first one? I ask because a board stop sensor error sounds like it could b
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 13 19:51:47 EDT 2009 | prasadz
Jagadeesh Rajagopalan is the expert in MPM Screen printer Servicing and he suggest to do the calibration of Z axis with PCB thickness (1.3mm)
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 30 20:48:09 EST 2021 | openindus
We acquired the machine few weeks ago and it was working fine until the printer won't initialize anymore with "USC park failed" error. It seems that the printer won't respond to "4 MAXY_SP 61,0" message. Is someone has already en
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 14 14:50:43 EST 2000 | Dennis _F
Dean How old are the DEK units that you have. The purpose of the printer will be for small runs. The problem Im having with our current ultriprint 2000 is it seems to require re-alignment each time the product is setup.
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 02 11:16:02 EDT 2010 | dman97
Thanks for the answers guys. I knew it had something to do with the calibration menus. It had just been so long since I had to do maintenance to an MPM printer. I had been working with DEKs and Ekras for the past 6 years.
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 24 06:17:47 EDT 2010 | bullyparade
Hi all, we use a MPM UP2000/B printer and facing the following problem: During startup/initialisation process the printer stops after a while and comes up with the following alarm "hardware limit warning". This can be repeated several times with the
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 01:20:33 EST 2002 | djarvis
Armin, I installed a second hand Dek Ela in-line in November. Prior to that we had been running 2 x SMTech (Quad ) Vmp100s, an MPM SP-2000 and an MPM SP-20. All semi-autos. I believe the Vmp100s to be a great machine and have recommended them to all