Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 03 16:35:03 EDT 2021 | smtusa
We are big mpm fans especially the UP2000/2500 dos based. I just got an MPM SP2000 but feel thats too big. I would like something even smaller for an office setup. I looked up the MV100 and it came up with a pic of Quad. It looked pretty big in p
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 01:20:33 EST 2002 | djarvis
Armin, I installed a second hand Dek Ela in-line in November. Prior to that we had been running 2 x SMTech (Quad ) Vmp100s, an MPM SP-2000 and an MPM SP-20. All semi-autos. I believe the Vmp100s to be a great machine and have recommended them to all
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