Electronics Forum: mpm up 2000 will not boot (Page 1 of 2)

Please help. MPM SPM printer can not boot up

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 21 11:00:32 EDT 2008 | 1036

We recently bought an used MPM SPM screen printer. The system can not boot up correctly and terminates the program finally. During the computer booting up, I can see error massages "mouse could not be found", "abnormal program terminated", "trap 0".

Please help. MPM SPM printer can not boot up

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 23 12:15:19 EDT 2008 | wagoner

Sounds like a problem with the computer. Will the computer boot from a BART PE or something similar? Try changing the keyboard and mouse.

Please help. MPM SPM printer can not boot up

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 23 11:21:28 EDT 2008 | realchunks

Do you have the track ball style mouse that originaly came with the machine?

Please help. MPM SPM printer can not boot up

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 24 10:21:53 EDT 2008 | 1036

Yes, I am using the trackball mouse which came with the machine. Thanks.

Please help. MPM SPM printer can not boot up

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 24 10:26:35 EDT 2008 | 1036

Thanks for the info, Peter. Please let me know if anything you think it would be help to me. Thanks.

Please help. MPM SPM printer can not boot up

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 24 10:28:23 EDT 2008 | 1036

Thanks. I will try it as you suggested and let you know. Thanks. Jack in Houston

Please help. MPM SPM printer can not boot up

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 23 21:15:11 EDT 2008 | proy

We have one which continuously wants to be reset. I have another one coming into my shop this week which likely works, which may help me/us resolve computer problems. Between us we should be able to fix them all. Peter in Toronto

Please help. MPM SPM printer can not boot up

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 25 21:31:42 EDT 2008 | chrisgriffin

Sounds like the mouse driver is in the software, but it is not detecting the mouse. My guess is the mouse or connection. If you do need a driver, I've got some. You can give me a call if you need any help. Chris 918-851-3370

Please help. MPM SPM printer can not boot up

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 27 18:43:29 EDT 2008 | 1036

Hi Chris, Nice to talk to you. Below is the link which you can follow to download the pictures showing the system booting procedure. Thanks for help. http://www.filedropper.com/mpmspm Best Reards, Jack Xu Gi Circuits, Inc. 10850 S. Wilcrest D

Please help. MPM SPM printer can not boot up

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 28 07:29:36 EDT 2008 | proy

Chris I got both my SPMs running. The one with the touch screen; I think the touch sensor is worn out, 1 in 10 trys we can select the MAINTENANCE menu and run RESET properly, other areas always select fine. Your problem sounds like it is missing

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