Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 12 14:19:03 EDT 2015 | tdemon69
i have a up 3000 ultraflex. the lower half of the tactile sensor is stuck down. i have replaced the driver board, check wire down to drive board,check the fuse for power on the driver board.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 13 13:51:44 EDT 2015 | tnisbet
The problem could be the tactile motor, we have it in stock. Please contact sales@goppm.com and request a quote for part number CA-399.
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 13 20:12:53 EST 2000 | K. S. PARK
Hello . i am reviewing the s/p dek (dek 265 infinite) ,mpm (up3000). all user say the machines are good. but to me rheopump versus proflow. which one is better. someone out there using these head advise me. bad or good thing whatever it is
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 10:22:28 EDT 2006 | PWH
I've done this stuff on UP3000's and AP's so hopefully my advice will help with your 2000... You can get into all upper level user modes, correct? You don't mention test, cal. or field service mode. If you can't get into those, I can send you a pr
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 02 17:06:39 EDT 2015 | aemery
Just to clarify, you are talking about the inner black box not driving down and not the pneumatic function that brings the tactile assembly closer to the stencil? Sometimes the pneumatic shafts get slightly bent and the assembly will not retract. T
Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 02:09:29 EDT 2007 | einat
I would like to learn more about the differences between the two. Which one do you recommend more and why? Also if someone can stand on the differences between: MPM UP 3000 HI E MPM UP 3000 MPM UP 2000 HI E MPM UP 2000 Any information would help!
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 09 17:39:30 EDT 2008 | diesel_1t
Hi. I know that this is one of the mos common threads here, I have been doing some research, but i didn't find any similar. The main issue is that I have seen tombstoning since two weeks ago, it is more characteristic on 0603 resistors (Stackpole e
Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 12:56:31 EDT 2007 | adlsmt
Im sure you will get some better responses but here is a start. We went from UP2000 to UP3000 Ultraflex about 2 years ago. The UP-2000 uses tooling nests and UP-3000 Ultraflex does not. Makes a huge difference in setup time. Up-3000 is BIG. I think t
Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 12:55:19 EDT 2007 | pjc
First off, go with HiE (Hi Efficiency) machines only. UP3K and UP2K have huge differences- board size, speed, options, etc... too many to list really. I would recommend UP2K HiE over UP3K HiE. Its a simpler machine and easier to find on the used m
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 04:24:14 EDT 2006 | Rob
We had one of the crap UP3000's. However it was still better than a 265. If you don't need the extra large board size look for an AP2* or a HiE, especially if you are looking at using paste inspection.