Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 22 07:59:42 EST 2004 | davef
Search the SMTnet Archives for suppliers of high temperature bake tubes, trays, and reels.
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 01 12:44:06 EST 2004 | Chris Lampron
Laxman, JEDEC J-STD-033A has a bake time/temp table based on different package thicknes.
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 21 21:27:26 EST 2004 | laxman
We are also facing this issue. Normally we are baking all MSD 24 HRS @125�C. This may not be a standard practice. I have read that depending on the Package thickness Baking time and temperature varies apart from the storage conditions of the IC. IS t
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 22 07:35:41 EST 2004 | Chris Lampron
We too are baking required components at 125 degrees C. One of the problems that is comming up is components packaged in tubes. The tubes cannot stand the 125 degree requirement without melting. 50 degrees is a safe temperature for low temp carriers
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 09:24:04 EST 2004 | mzaboogie
Good Morning Everyone, Lately, we have been recieving a growing number of components from manufacturers and distributors with a new moisture level classification. The problem is that we will recieve some with MSD packaging and label and some with ou
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 18:59:34 EST 2004 | mikeandrus
We have the same problem here. MSL varies for the same component from different sources. It can also change throughout the lifecycle of a component from a one manufacturer. All the literature and the wonderful software solutions assume you have
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 24 09:48:15 EST 1998 | Steve Schrader
| Do you know if there is an IPC standard or industry standard | that addresses the proper process for handling MSD's in the production environment....? (rework etc.) | Not the receiving area. | Thanks so much, | Robin Arnold | PCB Development | Har
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 27 15:42:53 EDT 2019 | davef
Your ppl are correct, the capacitor is not sealed. So, it is perfectly acceptable for the capacitor to have absorbed moisture. If your ppl don't either prevent moisture absorption or remove the moisture prior to soldering, their component could fail
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 24 17:42:34 EDT 2000 | Dave F
Rich: Awww, don�t worry that you have to ship product. This moisture sensitive part thing is more important. ;-) And don�t worry that everyone is giving you guff and no one is supporting you. Yours is a thankless job. ;-) You got it right!!!
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