Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 04 11:34:42 EDT 2002 | Bob Willis
Some additional comments from a paper may be of interest. Baking Printed Circuit Boards - Why and How Baking printed boards prior to conventional and surface mount assembly should not be necessary. Often boards are baked for historical reasons; in
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 07 07:26:50 EST 2010 | grahamcooper22
In an oven over 100 C any moisture will escape through vents. There will not be huge volumes of moisture in the oven when you are baking components so it should easily escape through vents / holes in the system leaving you with a humidity of near zer
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 12 11:56:20 EDT 2012 | hegemon
You might try to complete all your soldering within a 72 hour or less time frame. For all intents treat your board like a moisture sensitive component after you have baked and completed SMT reflow. Wash, blow dry, and go direct to stuffing and com
Electronics Forum | Fri May 31 10:35:46 EDT 2002 | dason_c
I think that the IPC spec only apply to the MSD. I had a paper from Lucent and forwarded by Francois Monette, please aware that the first 2 hours, the moisture doesn't bake out from the assembly/component and result show that it is increase the weigh
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 29 20:49:14 EST 2006 | davef
According to J-STD-033B, 3.1 Requirements: The levels are determined per J-STD-020 and/or per JESD22-A113 plus reliability testing. Look here: http://www.jedec.org/download/search/jstd020c.pdf
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 22 06:54:14 EDT 2005 | Rob
Hi Gavin, Depends on what MSD class, but in general for the more sensitive parts if they've been opened & not used within the time limit it's rebake, add dessicant & seal. Our distribution side splits them down into more manageable/production size
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 15 15:02:55 EDT 2013 | island2013
In previous lives we vacuum sealed all MSD devices. Also a nitrogen chamber can be used for unsealed bags. You can check the J-STD-033 and J-STD-020A for handling of the different levels, bake times etc. Good Luck!
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 08 22:04:19 EST 2004 | pari
Dave i know abt the JEDEC033A specs..but this question is more of PCBA level. The baking temp and time at JEDEC is for MSD devices. I have tried to check IPC 7711 but the criteria does not mention the baking temp and time. Wandering is anyone is awar
Electronics Forum | Wed May 04 17:15:02 EDT 2005 | siverts
Hey Dr . Klein, I think You do it all right... But here it comes: MSD; what does it really means? MS-level; what does it really means? Floor life what does it really means? I'm sorry but I can't answer all these questions right now. It is a complex m
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 29 01:46:10 EST 2006 | hanocete
Hi! to all, Here in our company, we sometimes received BGAs and ICs that were packed poorly(not sealed), and no MSL level written to it from our suppliers, now we subject the material for baking before using it. We use J-STD-033B table 4-1 as our cr