Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 17 09:00:58 EDT 2003 | fmonette
Good question, here is the short answer : The problem is that dry storage is not the same as a bake process. If you want to bake saturated components, this should be done at higher temperatures. The IPC/JEDEC standard provides a table with bake temp
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 19 09:32:42 EDT 2003 | Hussman
Nitrogen cabinets work well if you already have nitro.
Electronics Forum | D Peter |
Tue Aug 19 14:39:09 EDT 2003
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 19 09:09:15 EDT 2003 | D Peter
After a few problems and time constraints on baking moisture sensitive devices, we are looking at solutions to storage rather than going after a rebaking solution. One thing that always bothered me about baking was the oxidation on the lead finish,
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 19 11:31:43 EDT 2003 | davef
JEDEC standard EIA/JEP124 Section 5.2.1 Packing Moisture-Sensitive Components has words to the effect: "...Partially or lightly evacuate the bag to reduce packaging bulk and heat seal the bag as close to the end as possible following the heat sealing
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 19 13:47:46 EDT 2003 | slthomas
What are you going to fill the chamber with when it needs to be opened? If you use air, will the evacuated components suck up any available moisture? I've never done anything like this with electronic components, but some of the more porous materi
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 19 12:15:37 EDT 2003 | D Peter
Again, that is for packaging, rather than moisture removal or storage. Those guidlines are for several reasons, preventing low pressure outgassing or disassociation of the dessicants, damage to parts or wafer tray due to forces on the evacuated pack
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 19 09:48:07 EDT 2003 | D Peter
No, we don't have nitro. We may go that way if we can't find decent data from anyone other than the food industry on vacuum drying. I'm just more comfortable with low water/O2 content by removal rather than displacement.
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 31 05:14:58 EST 2001 | ronih
Hello, Are there any rules for PCB drying (baking) before assembly; Date code criteria, finish process on PCB, storage conditions.. ect. I know some assemblers that are baking all PCB (not ENTEK!) as default before assembly, is it realy nessesary? i
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 10 12:39:07 EDT 2000 | Chris C
Hi Christopher, To my knowledge, heat seal along will not provide you the desire condition. Currently, we're using vacuum sealer to reseal all MSD restock items. If you have variety of package and constantly need to reseal the MSD parts, I'd like to