Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 22 15:11:40 EST 2022 | jbrochecouste
hello, I am looking for information on the following error message: F-MOT-MSETDYN HYDRA Z/156 / TIMEOUT... on a MY12, tell me your experience until the problem is solved
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 03 12:36:14 EST 2020 | tomdegas
I cleaned and re-greased everything on the Hydra head and I even changed the motor and encoder and it still gives me the timeout error Z/156. Where do I look now? My machine has been down now for 3 weeks.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 05 07:40:55 EST 2020 | tomdegas
I swapped the mi boards with ones from a working My12 machine and the same results. To recap my problem: On "Hardware Initialization" the center jaws open and close, the Hydra Theta belt moves back and forth, the Hydra head moves all the way down an
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 03 13:40:44 EST 2020 | tomdegas
I swapped out the cable with no luck. The Hydra Z controller is the board on the right side of the Hydra head with everything plugged into it right?
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 21 10:50:00 EST 2020 | tomdegas
I am getting the following error on our MY9 during hardware initialization: F-MOT-MSEDYN HYDRA Z/156 Motor Timeout After the Theta test, The HYDRA head moves slowly all the way to the bottom and then moves slowly back up and the system fails initia
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 21 17:12:43 EST 2020 | SMTA-Alex
Have you performed the maintenance? It might need grease, or there might be excess old grease, that's putting more friction on the Hydra Z. Check if there might be interference from the vacuum tubes or wires.
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 03 13:35:29 EST 2020 | emeto
So to sum up: you have no mechanical blockage, you have new motor and encoder. That leaves only two more parts(cable and Hydra Z-Controller).
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 04 04:53:58 EDT 2020 | tima
Have you try doing initialization from service menu? Exit TPsys, type service -x and try to initialize only Hydra Z. See what error you get. Can be too much friction on the shaft. Run friction test
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 06 19:32:09 EST 2020 | SMTA-Alex
The fact, that your Hydra head goes up and then starts moving slowly, means that it didn't find the limit. Since there are no mechanical obstructions and you swapped all the boards, the things to look at are cabling. Double check the ribbon cables fo
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 21 18:27:23 EST 2020 | tomdegas
Thanks for the quick response. I’ll try it tomorrow and let you know if that worked. I do grease it but there may be residual older grease still there.