Electronics Forum: multi-layer thin-film pcb (Page 1 of 6)

Re: benchtop pcb processing??

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 06 10:06:34 EDT 1999 | Peter Brant

| | | I need to find quality benchtop develop, strip, & etch equipment. | | | Any ideas? | | try LPKF in Beaverton, Or. 503/634-0604 or the link below. I haven't used their eq so this is not an endorsement | | John Thorup | | let's try that link a

Hi anyone have recommended pcb manufacturer?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 23:28:44 EDT 2017 | dawson

there are many ideal pcb manufacturers can reach your requirements. multi-layer and hdi boards, you can try and test http://www.madpcb.com

Questions you would ask if someone said they had a 3D printer for professional multi-layer PCBs?

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 26 00:45:40 EST 2015 | fantasy728

We're developing a 3D printer for professional > multi-layer PCBs with 3-4 Mil. traces. What > concerns or questions would you have about such a > system? Are you from Voltera company? I just writed a blog about 3D printing of PCB in my website:

How much it costs to building a PCB factory?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 06 08:43:59 EST 2017 | emeto

So, do you want to produce the bare multi-layer PCB yourself and then assemble the parts as well?

Re: Ceramic PCB's

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 24 13:29:30 EST 1998 | dave V

| Happy Holidays All, | I am searching out a vendor (US preferred) who can fabricate a ceramic PCb with etremely fine lines. | Please reply if you are a vendor, or know of one. | Thanks, | Wendy try electro-films in Rhode Island. I used to by thin

ionic residues on the surface of printed circuit assemblies

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 01 02:54:30 EDT 2009 | rocko

Hi davef, In response to your questions: 1) It is a programmable washer designed for the tough demands of industrial applications. There is an integrated forced air dryer with both coarse and HEPA filters. 2) The surface of the PCB panel, the comp

Re-Reflowing PCB's

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 13 10:30:49 EDT 2003 | markhoch

PCB is 12.25" x 4". There are large MOSFETS on the board. Two large Electrolytic Caps. Two Large Multi-Layer Ceramic Caps. 15 C Size Tantalym Caps. A fair number of IC's, (SO-8's, SO-16's). No BGA's or finepitch of any kind. The board is double sided

Multi Layer PCB Fallout rate

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 17 09:23:00 EST 2016 | ronhammer

Does anyone know what the normal fallout rate is for a 12 layer PCB from the board house during testing? We received the inspection data from a recent set of boards. Looking over the report there failure rate looks high to us, but with out knowing wh

Re: Baking PCB's before Assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 18:08:42 EST 2000 | Travis Slaughter

Baking boards, especially multi layer, will help with blowholes and delimitation, but not with solder balls. Normally about 120c for 1 hour or so is sufficient. I usually will not go to this trouble unless a board has proven to be a problem or if th

Re: Baking PCB's before Assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 18:08:42 EST 2000 | Travis Slaughter

Baking boards, especially multi layer, will help with blowholes and delimitation, but not with solder balls. Normally about 120c for 1 hour or so is sufficient. I usually will not go to this trouble unless a board has proven to be a problem or if th

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multi-layer thin-film pcb searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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