Electronics Forum: multicore (Page 1 of 12)


Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 03 05:21:01 EST 2001 | David T Truman

We currently use Multicore solder cream and I have recently been made aware of possible unrest in the Multicore/Loctite camp. Does anyone know what the future holds for Multicore and is it true that they may be pulling out

MultiCore Brand

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 10 09:56:25 EDT 2000 | kneuhaus

Does anyone have any experience with MultiCore products at all? Anyone have experience using that brand at all? Thanx in advance. Kyle......

Re: MultiCore Brand

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 10 14:02:07 EDT 2000 | vickij

Kyle, We use Multicore no clean solder paste. If you need some info, let me know. Thanks! Vicki

Re: MultiCore Brand

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 11 11:53:53 EDT 2000 | Chris May

Kyle I am using Multicore CR39 paste after a recommendation from another user. Until then we were using Koki paste (also good) but I found the CR39 just won. Regards, Chris.

Re: MultiCore Brand

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 11 07:52:16 EDT 2000 | Bill Haley

If its No Clean try Alpha, we compared and Alpha was better

Solder Paste

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 00:26:27 EST 2006 | manyhatz

Does anyone have experience with Multicore WS200? is it any good?

Cleaning Wave solder fingers and chain

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 27 08:00:33 EDT 2008 | cgray

We are using Multicore (MFR 301) from Henkel.

Re: MultiCore Brand

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 10 15:31:42 EDT 2000 | kneuhaus

Well, is it any good? I have only used Kester but was wondering if MultiCore was worth looking at. We are being offered a lot of free samples but don't want to even mess with the stuff if it will cause a lot of problems. Basically I am asking because

Re: MultiCore Brand

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 11 08:26:49 EDT 2000 | kneuhaus

Ok John, that is of course good advice. No we aren't unhappy with our Kester performance but I am experiencing a lot of pressure from the front office to consider the MultiCore for cost reasons. Yes it would be a monumental hassle to switch to anythi

Voiding in LGA (LT) soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 30 10:17:16 EDT 2010 | markgray

We currently use this devise in one of our designs with no issues. We are using a 3mil stencil and a 45% apperature reduction. It is virtually impossible to eliminate voids but they are in an acceptable range. Solder balls are caused on this componen

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